26. Not Again....

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Richa's phone was buzzing on the table in front of her, but her attention was somewhere else.  She was completely lost in her thoughts.

"Richa... Richaa "

Rudra called
But Richa didn't react


Rudra called a little louder than before

"hmm..  "

Richa asked, a little disoriented

"Your phone is ringing "

Richa looked at her phone and suddenly her face brighten up. She hurriedly picked up the call and walked away to the garden.

Rudra was surprised by her reaction, and he was curious about the caller now.

Rishi walked in and sat beside Rudra.
He looked tired and tensed.

"What happened  ??  Why the long face ?? "

Rudra asked softly, he doesn't like it when ever Richa or Rishi are disturbed and upset. They are the most important people in his life and he wanted to see them happy and smiling. He was ready to do anything to make them happy.

"My stupid Boss !!! He literally made my life hell "

Rishi said frustratingly

Rudra turned towards him and pat his shoulder

" What did he do now?? "

" He is asking me to attend the meeting on his behalf in Bangalore next week "

"Why  ??"

" Because his wife's sister is coming next week and he has to attend her with his wife "

"Oh,  but he can do that after the meeting too na, it is only a day long meeting "

"Yes!!  That's what I suggested him to do too, but he is such a 'Scared Cat' type of husband. Can't even say 'it's a important meeting ' in front of his wife"

Rishi said in a annoyed voice

"Sometimes I literally want to pull out all of his hairs and make him bald"

Rishi said with gritted teeth

Rudra smiled

"Calm down Tiger.... Calm down, you won't like it if you loose your job, believe me "

Rishi nodded dejectedly

"That's the only reason of that stupid man still having his hairs stick to his head "

Rudra laughed at his bickering

"Don't be upset about it like that "

"There is nothing happening which makes me happy either "

Rishi said irritatingly

"Come on I will give you a tight hug to make you happy "

Rudra said opening his arms wide

"That's not enough to make me happy"

Rishi said closing his eyes in frustration

"Oh!!! OK I will give you a kiss too,  if that's make you happy "

Rudra said with a mischievous smile

Rishi eyes jerked open at Rudra's offer
He looked at him and noticed the mischief in his eyes

"OK "

Rishi played along
He leaned towards Rudra and opened his arms too.

Rudra engulfed him in his arms and patted his back

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