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Richa and Rudra spend the day in Orphanage. Richa felt happy after spending time with the small kids there. For some time, she forgot her pain, surrounded by the innocent smiles.
They got out of there around 8:38 in the evening. Rudra asked her if she wanted to go somewhere for dinner but Richa denied, Richa always cooked her mom's favorite dishes on her birthday and death anniversary.  So she decided to cook at home, she invited Rishi too because she wanted to thank him for bringing her to the Orphanage today.

They entered the house and..........

Rudra felt at home after so long. Everything was the same as he remembers. The furniture, the paintings on walls, those beautiful couple picture frames of Him and Richa. Everything was familiar to him. He even rememberd when and from where he bought each and every item.
Richa watched him looking at everything so admiringly...

"Rudra loves to decorate our house"

"His taste is good, it shows every where in the house "

Rudra praised himself, feeling amused by talking about himself from the prospective of a third person.

Richa looked around lovingly...

"Yes, it's true "

Richa's eyes teared up again. So Rudra tried to change the topic....

"Do you need any help in kitchen  ??"

"For making my kitchen looks like a natural disaster"

Richa said sarcastically...

"Are you insulting my cooking skills "

"Oh,   how dare I ??"

"You better not "

"Never... "

They both laughed out loud, then looked at each other and laugh a little more shaking their heads.
Rudra got into the kitchen and opened the fridge, he looked inside then turned towards Richa and said....

"I will peel the peas for 'Matar Paneer' and 'Matar pulaao', you start with the rest"

He said that and brought out the basket of peas from the fridge and placed it on the kitchen counter.
He opened the last cabinet and picked out a round glass bowl for keeping peeled peas and started peeling them.

He felt Richa's eyes behind his back and realized his mistake.
He came into this house for the first time, at least for Richa's knowledge. So how can he behaves as if he knows everything. He slapped himself internally and started to think about something in his defense.

"Hey, we may be not similar in cooking skills but we are surely similar in organizing our kitchen "

Rudra said without looking back at Richa.
When he didn't got any reaction he looked at her, she was stairing at him questioningly...

"I too keep the large glass bowls in the last cabinet "

"So, you just pick up the right cabinet where I kept the large glass bowls because you too keep them at same place as well as me"

Rudra felt uneasy but nodded his head.....

"Okay...... .. but how did you know that I was going to cook 'Matar Paneer'
and 'Matar Pulaao',  I m completely sure that I didn't tell you about what I was going to cook ??"

Rudra's throat went dry.....
He didn't know what to say now....

"Ummm.... I saw the basket full of peas and a packet of fresh Paneer besides it, so 'Matar Paneer' was a easy guess and 'Matar Pulaao' is my most favorite. I just thought that we could make at least a one dish of my choice. after all I am your 'Guest' , but it's ok if you don't want to cook 'Pulaao', it's completely fine with me "

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