14. Awake.....

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Richa and Rudra were driving towards the hospital, with pin drop silence inside the car.
Richa was on the verge of breaking down, she was waiting for this moment since last 10 months, she was dying to listen the words

"Rudra is Awake "........

She was praying for him to open his eyes and look at her with the same affectionate and adorable way as before.

And Rudra is Awake now .......

She looked at Rishi's face, hard and devoid of any kind of expression.....

She don't know what to say or think right now

She believed Rishi when he told her that he is Rudra...
Because she always felt, loved, secure and comfortable with him just like Rudra....
Because she always find him, way more similar to Rudra as humanely possible.......
Because she found the same intensity of love and trust in his eyes as she always found in Rudra's......


He always spoke like Rudra....
He even recited the same conversation she had with Rudra on their last phone call, just mare minutes before the accident.
There is no way someone other than Rudra may be able to say the words, the exact same words.....

She was happy to be in his embrace after so long......

She wasn't Alone anymore....

But....... What Now......

Rudra's mind was on high alert.....
He never thought about it....
That.... The Rudra  in hospital will wake up some day.....
He never thought that this kind of situation can be stand in the way of him getting closer to Richa.....

Not Now.... 

When finallyyyyy, he got the courage and strength to tell her about his true identity.......

He finally told her that HE is her RUDRA......

And the most important thing was...... that she believed him.... 
She trusted his every word....
She excepted him as Rudra.....

But...... What Now......

They reached the hospital but no one was ready to get out from the car or to go inside the hospital.....

Both of them were not ready to face this situation....

Rudra exhale the breath he didn't even know he was holding, and looked at Richa....

"Love, you trust me na.. ??"

Richa looked at him, trying to find the strength to even nod her head
Her eyes welled up as she found so much distress and fear, fear of losing a loved one, in Rudra's eyes.
She tried to hold back her tears and nodded her head slowly but surely....

Rudra cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead....

"Thank you Love, for believing in me. I knew you would recognize me"

Rudra said while he was trying his best to hold back his tears and stay strong, not only for himself but for Richa too.

"Don't worry love, everything will be fine, if I am in Rishi's body than his soul must be in mine, he is conscious now, he will remember everything about his past like me and he must be so confused and scared right now just like I was when I woke up from the Coma in Singapore. We will help him to understand the situation, we will help him to get back on his feet and start his life again because he had a terrible past, God has blessed him with this second chance and we will be there for him to get through it successfully "

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