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"Where are you going?" Automn's dad asked while we were slipping out of the house.

Automn tensed up ever-so-slightly. "Oh just for a walk," she lied smoothly. He nodded and waved goodbye as we got out of the house.

Automn led me down a few streets until we turned left on Clark Avenue, which she said was Benji's family's street.  I was starting to feel slightly nervous and I had to remind myself I was doing this because I wanted to make sure Benji had a good family and a good home. 

We stopped in front of a big ivory house.  I reluctantly followed Automn to the front door and she gave my hand a squeeze before ringing the doorbell.  The door swung open and my eyes met those of a young woman with jet-black hair and soft almond-shaped eyes.  She gasped. 

"You look just like him!" she exclaimed, giving me a once-over.  I awkwardly shifted my weight on my feet, not knowing what to say.  Thankfully, she seemed to finally notice Automn's presence and greeted her happily. 

"Come on in, come on in, would you like some hot chocolate or something?" she offered. Automn answered for both of us, "Sure, that would be great, thank you!"

I shyly entered the house. The door led right into the big kitchen and I could see from where I was standing three steps that connected to a living room. Automn and I stayed standing, watching her prepare the drinks. I was about to offer my help when a tall serious-looking man appeared in the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry, how rude, we didn't even introduce ourselves, I'm Amy, and this is Andrew," she said while pointing to him. I smiled and introduced myself too, "I'm Alden."

"We know," Amy said matter-of-factory. I frowned in confusion. She added the final touch of mini marshmallows in the hot chocolates and gestured to the kitchen island in the middle of the kitchen. "Come, let's sit, we can talk," she suggested.

Automn engaged in a light-hearted conversation with Andrew while I sat at the kitchen island beside Amy.

"How do you know my name?" I inquired, starting the conversation up again. Stupid question. As soon as the words left my mouth I knew what the answer was; Grandma Pearl.

"Your grandmother, Benji absolutely adores her," she clarified what I had just figured out. I took a sip of the hot chocolate and savoured the rich chocolaty taste.

"Does Benji know about me?" I asked, my voice scarcely above a murmur. I'd wondered about this ever since my grandma told me Benji was adopted.

Amy smiled apologetically before confirming my suspicions, "No, he doesn't know about you, my husband and I didn't know if you'd want to be a part of his life."

"I would really like to be a part of his life, I mean, if you and your husband don't mind.  I really don't want to step over any boundaries, but my grandma says we were inseparable when we were younger and it sucks that I only got two years with my little brother.  I...I want to make up for lost time, if that's even possible," I explained sincerely.

Amy looked touched by everything I had shared.  "Of course we don't mind, we know it wasn't your decision to give him up," she assured me.  "Do you want to see him?" she offered.

I nodded enthusiastically.  "Benji sweetie, someone's here to see you," she called.  I heard him storm down the stairs and he came in the kitchen with a big smile, book in hand.  "Is Grandma Pearl here?" he asked Amy happily.

His question got answered when he noticed Automn and I.  "Miss Tammy," he said in acknowledgement, looking a bit confused as to why his Wednesday school helper was in his house. 

"You know your biological parents?" Amy said, getting his attention focused back on her.

Benji scratched his ruffly hair.  "The ones who didn't want me?" he asked.  The air was knocked out of my body, it broke my heart in a million pieces to hear him say that. 

"Oh don't say that," she whispered and wrapped her arms around him.  She broke the hug after a moment.  "They have another son, Alden.  He's your big brother," she added while gesturing over to me. 

His eyes widened.  "He didn't try to save me? I thought big brothers were supposed to protect their younger siblings," he observed.  I cringed with guilt and sighed. 

Amy didn't know what to answer to that, so I stepped in, "I tried everything I could, but I was seven years old.  If I could've done anything, you bet I would've saved you.  Then again, I think you were saved by this amazing family right here," I looked at Amy and Andrew before continuing, "Benji, my parents kept you from me too, I just found out about you.  Besides, I'm not talking to them anymore, I think I'm going to live with my Grandma Pearl."

His face twisted in surprise and a goofy grin illuminated his features.  "You know Grandma Pearl?"

"Yeah, she's my favorite person in the world," I told him.  He tilted his head. "Me too!" he burst out with excitement.  "And my mom and dad," he added, looking up at Amy and Andrew. I beamed at Benji, happy he had the childhood he deserved in this family.

The five of us continued chatting for a while, until my stomach grumbled loudly. It was now 1 pm, and I still hadn't eaten lunch. Automn leaned over and whispered, "Let's go back to my house and eat." I nodded in response.

"Do you want to stay over for lunch?" Amy offered. I wanted to say yes, but I was afraid to overstep some boundaries so I politely refused. Maybe some other time.

Automn and I headed to the front door and slipped our coats on. Amy and Andrew followed us and before they could say goodbye, I told them, "Thank you, both of you, for being the parents mine could never have been for Benji."

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