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We ate our meals while gazing at the sky and getting lulled by the gentle and peaceful sounds of the water.  "The restaurant was awful, but I have to admit, this salad is delicious," Automn praised between two mouthfuls. 

Her salad did look delicious.  "Can I taste?" I asked.  She narrowed her eyes at me before answering, "Only if I can have a bite of your pasta."

"Deal." She was right, the salad was amazing.  We finished our meals and layed down on our backs to get a better view of the stars.  After a few minutes, I broke the silence, "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

She looked lost in thought for a few seconds before answering, "I want to be a special needs teacher.  I already help out at my sister's school and I love it. I love helping kids and becoming their friend, you know?" I nodded before she continued, "There's actually a kid that reminds me so much of you." I laughed and wondered aloud, "How so?"

"Well first of all, he kinda looks like you," she stated and laughed. "I don't know...he likes plans and order and details. You'd like him," she continued and we both laughed. "What about you, what do you want to be when you grow up?" she asked and turned her head to get a better view of me.

"Hmm...I think I want to be a biomedical engineer," I revealed. "Wow! Why?" she inquired.

"My grandpa was a biomedical engineer, so I've heard a lot about it. And I like the aspect of designing the equipment that can help save people's lives," I said quietly.

She nodded and I continued with another question. "What about...your biggest fear?" She stared blankly at the sky, once again deep in thought.

"I'd say losing someone I love. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see or talk to my parents or my sister ever again. Other than that, I'm terrified of heights," she finished with a chuckle.

"I thought for sure you'd say spiders," I teased. "Oh no, I'm not one of those girls who screeches because of a spider and runs away dramatically," she told me and I laughed.

"What's your biggest fear?" she asked the question back to me. "Hmm...don't laugh okay?" I said, staring at her with pleading eyes.  She put her hands up in surrender and assured me she wouldn't laugh. 

I sighed and just went ahead and said it.  "I...am scared...of never finding love.  It's stupid, I know, but it's just- I've never even seen what it looks like.  My parents are constantly fighting and the love of my grandma's life is dead," I confessed. 

We both turned our heads and our eyes met.  "That's awful, I'm so sorry," she said softy.  "It's alright.  'Kay your turn to ask a question," I answered quietly. 

"Who's your favorite person in the world," she asked, curious.  I immediately knew the answer.  "My grandma," I replied without having to think about it. 

She waited for me to go on, so I did, "She's the best.  Her house - actually, she - has always felt like home when my own house didn't.  I'm an only child, so I can't even share the burden of parents that want to rip eachother's throats out.  That's why I escape and go to my grandma's.  And she makes killer apple pie."

Automn gasped.  "I love apple pie!" she exclaimed.  I beamed at her.  "Well, good, because I'm bringing you to her house sometime soon," I told her.  She looked away and I just knew her cheeks had flushed a light pink. 

"You? Who's your favorite person in the world?"

She smiled.  "My sister, my mom and my dad.  I wouldn't be able to choose.  Grace is just- a pearl, and my parents have worked so hard for us to have the life we've had.  And I'm really grateful that even though they were hyper focused on Grace because of her autism, they still found time to spend with me," she said, and it was barely above a whisper, almost like she didn't want to disturb the hypnotizing back and forth of the water. 

We stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying eachother's company.  I propped myself up on my hands and looked back to observe Automn.  She looked so concentrated and peaceful...and beautiful.  My eyes were drawn to her lips. 

She interrupted my thoughts and asked, "Why are you staring at me?"
She sat up as well, and the distance between our faces was almost non existent.  "Because you look beautiful, looking all concentrated and peaceful," I said, voicing my earlier thoughts. 

She bit her lip and I looked down.  She looked at my lips and back at my eyes.  Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and all I wanted was to kiss her.  I slowly brought my face closer until we were inches apart.  I closed the distance and pressed my lips against hers. 

The kiss was magical.  Her lips were even softer than I imagined and butterflies swarmed in my stomach.  It was gentle and delicate, as a first kiss should be.  Everything tingled and I knew this would be my favorite feeling in the world. We finally pulled away after a couple of seconds.

I pressed my forehead against hers and whispered, "Well that wasn't a part of the plan." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up with your plans," she teased. I decided to use the phrase she used on me on the bus that day. "Make me," I whispered seductively in her ear.

She wasted no time to react.  She grabbed me by my hoodie and our lips met once again.  This time it was heated and passionate and left both of us wanting more.  Her hand lightly pulled at locks of my hair at the base of my neck and I almost moaned. 

Our make out session got steamier when she moved to straddle me.  The friction made me gasp quietly and my already tight pants somehow tightened even more.  "We should stop, we shouldn't do this here," I reasoned while slowly pulling away. 

Automn's lips were swollen and we were both having a hard time catching our breaths.  "You're right," she conceded, looking almost as disappointed as me that we couldn't finish what we started. 

So we just layed back down under the stars and talked until I had to take her home.

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