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"Okay guys, today we're going to learn about the refraction of light, I know you're tired, it's Monday for everyone, let's just try to listen, please," Miss Delaney, my physics teacher, said before beginning to explain. 

I could see literally a total of two students paying attention, and the others were subtly on their phones or tuning her out like I was.  Usually I'd be paying attention, but lately something else - more like someone else - had been living in my head rent-free. 

One of those two students paying attention was Automn, who just so happened to sit beside me in physics class.  She was looking intently at the teacher and listening closely to every word she was saying.  She blew a strand of chestnut colored hair from out of her face and moved her arm to support her head.

Suddenly aware of my staring, she snapped her head towards me and, with a look that said 'you're weird', she whispered, "You're doing that thing again."

"What thing," I lied, looking at her innocently.  I knew what thing I was doing.  "Staring at me," she stated. 

"Do you want to go to my grandma's after school?" I rushed out, completely changing the subject.  The words were out of my mouth before I knew it.  Her eyes widened and she grinned.  Then her face fell and panick took over her features. 

"You want me to meet your favorite person in the world? What if she doesn't like me??" she whisper-yelled hysterically.  I rolled my eyes.  My grandma liked everyone - besides, who wouldn't like Automn?

"Oh shush, you'll be fine.  Plus, how could anyone not like you?" I said quietly.  She relaxed considerably and smiled shyly at the compliment.

"Alden and Automn, in the back, I'm sorry are we interrupting?" the teacher said and Automn jumped in surprise.   She suddenly looked terribly uneasy and everybody's heads were turned towards us.  "Sorry Miss Delaney," I apologized for our disruption.

The teacher gave us a warning look before going back to explaining the refraction index.  The class returned to what they were doing and we were finally not the center of attention again. 

"That was kind of funny," I whispered to Automn, even quieter than before.  She slapped me gently on the arm and ordered, "Shut up, you're going to get us in trouble again."

I asked one last thing before promising myself to stop talking, "Wait so is that a yes for my grandma's after school?" She waited for the teacher to turn her back to us before whispering back, "Yeah, only if there's apple pie though."

"There's always apple pie at Grandma Pearl's," I assured her and she smiled before focusing on Miss Delaney again.


Automn and I got off at my usual stop together.  We walked for a bit until we reached my grandma's house.  "This is her house?" she asked and I nodded. "It's so cute!" she finished. 

She observed the many flowers surrounding the house and when we reached the door, she looked at me with anxious eyes.  I took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly before knocking.  This time, I waited for my grandma to come open the door. 

Grandma Pearl opened the door and gasped.  "You must be Automn! I've heard so much about you! Come in, both of you," she pressed.  I didn't miss the way Automn looked away to hide her faint blush.  The familiar lavender scent wafted around the house when we came in.  I could also smell my favorite dessert, apple pie. 

Automn quickly scanned the house and looked at my grandma.  "Your house is beautiful, Mrs Taylors," she praised.  "Oh nonsense, call me Pearl, please! Or even grandma if you want," she half-joked and the three of us laughed. 

My grandma took a good look at Automn before saying, "Oh you are so beautiful, Automn! I mean Alden told me you were gorgeous but I can definitely see what's got him so infatuated!" She thanked her shyly and I gave my grandma a look that said 'please stop'.

"Come sit at the table, we can eat some pie," Grandma Pearl suggested.  We sat down and she served us some apple pie in elegant porcelain plates.  I immediately dug into the mushy deliciousness.  Automn took a bite and her eyes lit up.  "This is so delicious," she complimented.

My grandma just smiled in response.  She asked Automn a few basic questions and I could tell the two would get along really well. 

When we were finished, my grandma said something that made my heart drop, "So Automn, would you like to see Alden's photo albums? He was quite the adorable young man."

I looked at Grandma Pearl in horror, begging her with my eyes.  "No no no, please grandma, I'll do anything."  This seemed to greatly amuse Automn.  "Well now I want to see them even more," she told my grandma. 

My grandma went to her iconic filing cabinet in her bedroom, where she kept everything, and took out my photo album.  She sat on one couch with Automn and I sat on the one across from it; the embarrassment was too much for me to handle, I couldn't stay beside them. 

Grandma Pearl flipped the first page open and Automn immediately went 'Awhhh'.  After a couple of 'oohs' and 'ahs', they ended up on the picture of me sitting on my grandfather's lap when I was five. 

Automn pointed what I assumed was Grandpa Gilbert and asked my grandma, "Is that Alden's grandfather?" She nodded and I could tell by the look on her face she was reminiscing about her memories with him.  "Yeah.  He's one of the five men I've loved in this lifetime."

Five? I counted in my head; Grandpa Gilbert, my grandma's father, my father and me.  That makes four. 

She continued, voicing my thoughts, "My Gilbert, my father, Alden's father and Alden," she said.  "And the fifth one?" Automn asked.  My grandma frowned and corrected herself, "Did I say five? I meant four, I'm sorry."

That makes more sense.  I heard many more 'Awhs' from Automn looking at pictures from a childhood I barely remember until they flipped through the entire album. After that, the three of us talked until Automn, sadly, had to leave.

I walked her to the front door, out of my grandma's sight. "See you at school," I said quietly before pecking her lips.

"Bye Alden," she said with a smile and a quick wave and I watched her walk away.

A Pearl and a Secret Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora