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"Alright guys, so the homework is pages 120 and 121, we will correct next class, which is Friday, tomorrow. Last 5 minutes do whatever you want," my teacher told the class.  I wrote the homework down in my agenda and peeked at Automn.  I had something to ask her...

Her desk was a few rows up ahead and diagonal from mine, so I could - this wasn't creepy - glance at her from time to time.  She looked really concentrated on something, hunched over her desk, busily writing something, casually pushing her hair back when it fell in her face. 

She started putting her stuff away; it was the perfect time for me to swoop in.  Everyone else in the class was busy, so I quietly got up and went to her desk.  "Hi," I said, really hoping I sounded normal.  When she looked up and our eyes met, I swear I almost completely forgot what I was there for. 

"Hey," she answered with a smile and looked at me, waiting for me to go on. My hands were clammy and I was positive she could hear my heart beating.  My grandma's words came to mind and I started, "Would you, uh, want to," her cheeks flushed and she looked down. Oh no, she's probably trying to make up an excuse or find a way to let me down slowly.  "Pass me a pencil, please?"

I couldn't do it.  I couldn't ask her out - just yet.  She sighed and her eyebrows slightly scrunched.  She looked - no, that couldn't be it - disappointed, almost.  "Of course," she replied a bit too happily and quickly replaced the frown with a smile. 

She shuffled around in her pencil case and handed me a pencil.  "Thanks." I gave her a sheepish smile and went back to my desk.  I sat down and put my face in my hands.  I'm such a chicken.  The bell rang interrupted my self-pity moment, dismissing us for lunch and I rushed out along with the students from my class. 

Lunch, english and chemistry ticked by extremely slowly, almost torturing me and forcing me to think about her.  The final bell rang after what seemed like an eternity and I grabbed my things before heading out.  I walked the short distance to the bus stop, only to realize Automn was a few steps behind me the whole time.

We got to the bus stop quietly until I broke the silence, "D'you have money for the bus today?" I teased.  She laughed and I laughed along with her; it was impossible not to.  "Yeah, I do have money today.  Oh, here's yours," she dug in her coat pocket and handed me the money she owed me. 

"You didn't have to.  Thanks, though." She looked like she wanted to say something else, but she bit her tongue and waited for the bus.  Soon enough, it arrived and picked us up.  There were a few empty double seats left.  Automn slid in one and I gave her a 'Can I sit with you' look.  She nodded.

She looked like she was in a full on debate with herself and finally, after five minutes, she turned to me and asked hesitantly, "Earlier in math, when you were all nervous...were you...trying to ask me out?" I stared at her silently, not knowing whether I should go with the truth or not. 

"Oh my god, you weren't.  I'm so sorry," she blurted out, looking terribly embarrassed.  I said nothing but I felt so bad for leading her to think that.  "Would you? Want to go on a date with me?" It came out as barely above a whisper, but I knew she heard me.

She sighed in relief and rolled her eyes.  "I knew it!" she exclaimed while nudging me teasingly.  Realizing I was still waiting for an answer, she said, "Yes, Alden. I would love to go on a date with you."

Happiness spread through me like a thousand little tingles and a huge smile spread on my face. "Really!?" I asked dumbly. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming and Automn giggled.

"Why are you surprised? You're not a bad guy, Alden," she complimented. I observed her for a second before explaining, "Well you've friendzoned like four guys in our grade, I really thought I was about to be the fifth."

"Yeah...but I turned them down because they aren't, well, you." Her cheeks reddened and she looked away. Her words made me all warm inside and my already huge smile somehow widened even more.

"So, what do you say, tomorrow? I could pick you up at 7?" I offered. "That sounds perfect," she murmured. The rest of the bus ride flew by and once again, I got off of it with my mind solely focused on a certain someone.


I pulled up at 6:58 in front of the address Automn had texted me. I texted her quickly to let her know I was there. The house was beautiful and white, with a gray roof and a light pink swing on the porch. I imagined Automn when she was younger, swinging on the porch- Automn. Where is she? It's 7:02.

I had this date planned to a T, and if everything went according to this plan, nothing would go wrong. For this plan to work, we had to get to our dinner reservation at 7:10.

At 7:03, she rushed out of her house and everything stopped for a second. She looked stunning, with a black off-the-shoulder shirt, jeans and her hair carelessly tied in a messy pontytail. She hopped in the car I borrowed from my grandma. I struggled to find my words before saying, "Wow, you, uh, clean up nice."

She laughed at my awkward compliment and gave me a once-over. "You don't look so bad yourself," she told me. I smiled at her before peeking at my watch; we had to get going or we would be late.

When I pulled up in Chez Estelle's restaurant parking lot, I heard a small gasp coming from Automn. Everyone knew this restaurant was one of the fanciest in town, but I wanted to make her feel special.

She made a move to open the car door but I 'tut tut tutted' her and quickly got out to open her door. "Such a gentleman," she drawled out sarcastically. We walked in the restaurant side by side. I'd never been, so I was as shocked as Automn when we entered.

From where we were standing, all we could see were rich businessmen and women in expensive dresses. The tables were fancy and decorated, the curtains were luxurious and silky and the centerpiece of the room was an intimidating gold chandelier.

To say the least, I felt out of place in my best black jeans, a gray hoodie, a black suede sweater and white sneakers. The way Automn shifted her weight on her feet told me she didn't feel more comfortable than I did.

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