Chapter 2

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A week had passed since Louis shifted to the new Pack. It was getting quiet boring for her to be alone by herself in the house. Both Liam and Zayn left for work early morning, Zayn worked as an art teacher for the local middle school of the pack, while Liam trained the new warrior Alphas.

Louis took online school that online schooling that only lasted 3 hours, thankfully. She had hours in her hand but nothing to do, quiet bored of taking a nap and reading she decided to venture outside. She changed into light green loose t-shirt and some jeans short and slid on white vans.

But before any of that she hopped in her room and sprayed scent blockers all over herself. Using scent blockers wasn't wrong but to hide your true secondary gender was a crime in this pack.

"Louis, no matter what you are not to hide your secondary gender." Liam had already warned Louis about the rules in the Pack. She found the rules to be disproportionate.

Liam had gone through many other rules for both Zayn and Louis but most of them were more subjected towards Louis as she often failed to realize the circumstances of breaking the rules.

Omegas were not to leave the house after 9pm without a chaperon (that being an Alpha). If omegas were to get in trouble the first one they inform in urgency is their Alpha if not, a Beta. Otherwise in urgency. An Alpha or Omega cannot break the mate bond without the councils or elders permission. Rejecting your mate without a valid reason is a crime. If any, you are to talk a get approval from the council. There were many more but these were the ones that struck a nerve in Louis head. It was too much to think off. Thankfully, Louis had a plan, once she turned 18, she would leave for college and not be stuck with this pack.

It was exactly after a week that Louis got out of her house. The fresh air that she inhaled gave her sense of being in a superior place. She didn't know the Pack territory at all. All she did was walk on the paths that took her god knows where. She wandered through the pathway passing through variety of cabins, a few just like hers, the view was serene. The river that flowed right beside the road, besides which was filled with patches of wildflower and other flowers giving it an aesthetic look. The sight awoke a good judgment in her.

There were quiet few people on the streets, noticeably it being the middle of the day on a Monday where everyone was busy with their daily affairs, kids probably in school. Online school had no single drawback for Louis; she explored, studied, and avoided people and crowds of mean teenagers her age. It was a bonus for her.

Ahead of her laid a mansion, this had to be the pack house or the headquarters, whichever they called it in this pack. Their previous pack house was way smaller. Now that Louis thought of it she had missed out a week of looking at eye-catching things. Liam was right; moving to this pack was an upgrade. She stood there for like 5 minutes and withdrew quickly after realizing that people were looking at her in amusement. She swore she heard an old lady snicker at her.

She moved quickly changing her direction, nearby there was a basket ball court attached to a ground. Training ground. Her eyes quickly moved around searching for a familiar face, just in case Liam was there. As she moved closer she realized the place reeked of Alpha. Lucky her she put on her scent blockers.

Louis walking on the training ground was a courageous act, she moved past a few Alpha's and Beta's. a few noticeably trying to sniff her scent. Their eyes roamed her body and face doing the observation but not talking at all.

"Are you looking for someone?" A voice broke out Louis' concentration. It was a slender Alpha all sweaty from his practice.

"Yes." Louis was on alert dodging him and walking ahead, ignoring all the looks she was getting. 'Great what am I doing?' Louis internally groaned it was a bad decisions but she had no other option. She didn't know how to get back home she had lost her way.

After a solid 15 minutes of looking around unknown people, she spotted Liam standing near a group of kids playing volleyball.

Louis ran with all her might yelling Liam's name towards him. Heads turned to look at the source of the voice. Louis ran towards her brother and pounced on him hugging him tightly.

"Louis what are you doing here?" Liam questioned concern in his eyes.

"I decided to explore the pack and lost my way back home." Louis breathed in his sweaty scent; she was relieved at finally finding her brother. Something was different it wasn't just his scent but somebody else that possessed this dominating yet calming scent and Louis instinct wanted to overflow with it.

"Why didn't you call?" Liam asked. "I forgot my phone at home." Louis gave a toothy grin.

Many watched the scene and were disappointed by the exchange of embrace. Louis might have blocked her scent but her small frame and curves gave away the actuality that she was an omega. Omegas were naturally beautiful and shaped in a gracious way; it wasn't hard to catch it. A majority of unmated Alphas had their eyes on her now.

"Well now that you are here would you like to join them for volleyball?" Liam asked pointing a finger at teams playing. It was an attempt of Liam's to make his sister socialize with the other members her age at least. Louis looked around and just nodded her head saying a no. All she wanted to do was go back home, she had spent enough time outdoor.

"Is that your mate?" A voice boomed from behind Liam. Louis turned to look at the owner of the captivating voice. Her vision landed on a tall, muscular curly haired Alpha whose forest green eyes with a glint were on her. Louis breathe caught, her instincts wanting to sniff the air with rich scent overflowing. Louis was overwhelmed so she hid behind her brother.

Liam turned around quizzed and chuckled. "No, this isn't Zayn, its Louis."

"I am sorry I didn't really see." The Alpha apologized. "She is your daughter right."

"What?" Louis snickered moving besides her brother. She instantly stopped as her eyes set on the Alpha. Her senses were vigorous now, ever had she felt this way. She froze completely. This wasn't supposed to be happening, her breath hitched as she avoided looking at the Alpha still stealing a few glances. How she was grateful of her scent blocker or she would have been claimed and mated.

"Louis is my baby sister, do I look that old to you?" Liam was livid, he didn't like to look older than he was.

"Oh my bad, by the way, I am Alpha Harry Styles the upcoming Alpha of the pack." He put his hand out for a handshake with a grin on his face. He looked proud, polite in fact.

Harry's eyes were glued to her petite form. He couldn't look away; her eyes were looking into him. Digging each detail of her face, her thin lips that were slightly apart, her eyes that were bluer than the sky, her button nose, high cheekbones. He was enthralled by her form that stood in front of him.

Her inner omega clawed at her at the Alpha's gesture. Once, twice but the third time a whine came out of her mouth.


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