Chapter 4 (part I)

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"Louis...please this once." A voice whispered with an undertone of sadness. "Enough, Lana, we aren't going to see him." Louis whisper yelled. She was frustrated by her wolf, Lana who refused to be of the same opinion with her.

Louis was knowingly repressing her omega. With caution, Louis was trying to avoid the Alpha a lot. She could feel her omega getting pulled by the mate bond unconditionally. If ever Alpha Harry sensed her she would be courted right away or even claimed. Mating was the last thing on her mind, the trouble of her life as being an Omega.

She didn't want to submit to an Alpha. She wanted to be her own person. Heartbreak could change a person; Louis was rejected for who she was. It stuck to her.

There was a plan.

It was already Friday, and Louis came to a conclusion of leaving the pack with a valid reason. The reason very specifically being that of transferring to a new school, through the assistance of her willingness and passion for volleyball. In truth, Louis liked to play Volleyball but she wasn't passionate about it. So there would be partial fake enthusiasm of joining another school that also provided with dorms for the students.

The school that Louis researched was in the neighboring pack, which specialized in women's volleyball. This was her ticket to leave the pack and also a dreadful future of having a mate.

'A mate with perfect structure, godly green eyes, a blissful scent....'

"Shut up Lana!" Louis yelled. After finding out about their mate Lana surfaced all the time to remind Louis on what she was missing.

"Louis you fine in there?" A knock was heard on the door. It was Zayn slowly peeking to look at Louis in confusion.

"I'm fine." Louis sighed.

Zayn took a seat at the foot of Louis' bed. "Frankly, you have been acting weird since the incident on Monday. Did anyone say or do anything?" Zayn was concerned about Louis' behavior the entire week. She didn't speak much, kept to her zoning out with an annoying expression. Nor did she leave the house much other than lounging in the backyard for hours.

"It's nothing really. I was just thinking of school." Louis trailed lying about what really was bothering her. She couldn't risk anyone knowing of her destined mate.

"Online school? I don't think that is much trouble." Zayn sounded quiet neutral about it.

"I was thinking of changing schools." Louis inhaled to look more confident about her decision.

"That's great. I've heard the high school in this pack is really enormous and has a vast campus. I think you'll really like it." Zayn beamed at the thought of Louis having a more social high school life.

"No." Louis whined. "I mean, I found this High school in the Dark Crescent Pack, it has girls' volleyball team. I think I could join in and, it also has accommodation, there is dorm facility for girls as well."

Zayn's thrill faded away at Louis' mentioning a transfer to another pack. It was a disagreeing situation. Louis was a young omega, and young omegas were sheltered. There was no she would be sent away even if she wanted to.

"I haven't done any detail research but I will eventually do it." Louis said confirming her intention to the older omega.

Zayn was sure that Liam wouldn't allow this. Hell, Zayn himself couldn't concur. The thought of this naïve girl all by herself in another pack was menacing.

"Louis there is an extensive process to get out of the pack and be accepted in another pack. Don't you think it's a hasty decision?" Zayn objected.

"I think it will be alright." Louis pouted. She believed she had a plan, though the exactness lacked. This plan was just a surface thought with no in detail flow to how it was to be achieved. Louis wanted out, her desperation showed it.

Zayn was dejected, he wanted to ask further questions but he knew it was useless. For one he knew that Louis couldn't leave the pack without her guardian's permission first. The pack school wasn't bad however Louis wanted to leave for reasons like a volleyball team. It felt valid only if he knew her reasons were to avoid a particular something rather than attaining goal that didn't really mean that much to her.

Zayn let out a sigh in understanding.

It was minutes later that Liam returned, he was earlier than usual.

"Zayn, Louis" Liam called out from the living room. It was unusual to have Liam early and this brisk at home after his training.

"Why are you home this early?" Louis asked rushing downstairs with Zayn leading her.

"Hey babe! Welcome home." Zayn skip to his Alphas.

"Now that's how you want to be greeted."Liam taunted the girl who just narrowed her eyes in mock. "Maybe once you get a mate." He smirked and turned to look at his omega.

Louis was stunned for a moment driving herself into deep thinking at the mention of her mate. Ignoring the subject was exceptional, she decided on changing the topic.

"Why are you home so early?" Louis repeated in a slighter higher pitch. Liam sniggered at Louis' prying.

"To answer your question, we have to go to the pack house for dinner. They practice a custom to have members that work within the pack over for a feast every month. And that happens to be today."

"Oh, isn't that great, I haven't been to the pack house yet." Zayn exclaimed.

'We see Alpha!' Lana was overjoyed

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