"Be confident" I say, she nods and I open the door and walk her in, I walk to the living room where my mom and dad was.

"Lauren! Good to see you!" Dad said, mom smiles I hug them and they kiss my cheek.

"Parents, this is camila" I say, they nod smiling and shake her hand

"Hi" she said her voice a little shaky, but these were the top dogs of the Miami mafia, the biggest in the world.

"Sit! Please sit!" Mom said, I sit as camila sat next to me

"So, camila, tell us about yourself" mom said, camila gulps and nods taking a deep breath

"I'm Cuban, Mexican American, I left Cuban when i was 7, I was in between Mexico and cuba those 7 years. I'm 23, I Uh...I'm terrified right now" she said, my mom and dad laugh as I chuckle.

"She's honest! No one would say that to us, I like honest" dad said, I nod and get up pouring him first then myself some whisky.

I get my mom her red wine and look at camila, she nods and I give her a glass, my mom dad and I raise our glasses with and with a nod from my dad we drink.

"Camila, are you any good at shooting guns?" Dad asked, she shrugged

"Never tried" she said, he nods softly

"You have a strong stomach?" He asked, she shrugs

"I've seen a dead body and I didn't throw up or pass out, I was pretty calm when my life was going to be taken from me" she said, he nods.

"Okay! That's good!" He said, mom nods

"Stand up" he said, camila looks at me and I nod, she slowly gets up and my dad looks her up and down.

"You work out?" He asked, camila shook her head

"I work 2 jobs, both always on my feet" Camila said, dad nods

"I'm going to take you to our shooting range, see how you can do, you a fast learner?" He asked, camila nods.

"Lauren!" Camila squeaked out when my dad wrapped an arm around her, that's when I realise that she automatically says my name when she's scared. I get up and slowly remove my dads arm, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she relaxed a little, dad motioned for mom to come and we go down to the shooting range in the house.

"Okay, here you go" dad said handing camila her gun, she looks at it and dad pointed to a target.

"Show us" Mom said, camila looks at me and I nod

-camila pov-

I look at the gun and I don't know what happened but everything came to me, like I've been doing it for years.

I turn the safety off, clock it back aim and fire.

It was like ive been in the arm, I have no idea how but I was amazing at it.

-Lauren's pov-

I watch as camila shot the target. Head, heart, gut.

When she ran out of amo, she seemed more shocked than the rest of us, she quickly put the gun down and held her hands up, she moved away from it and into me.

"And you say you never done this before" Mom said, she nods

"Never in my life" she gulped, mom nods

"That was amazing! That was better than some people in the mob can do!" Mom said, she nods Softly as she was still spooked by what just happened.

"You good at math?" Dad asked, camila nods

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