Diving In

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A/N: Those of you who don't like long chapters will probably want to take frequent breaks. This one can't be rushed.


Chapter 11:

Diving In

Noel was true to his word. He didn't tell anyone Emily's secret. He left the girls alone. He didn't even look their way in the cafeteria the rest of the week. He kept his distance, though Emily and Alison both kept an eye on him from afar.

October flew by. Emily stayed busy between her job and school. But she always managed to make time for Alison, even if she was exhausted. The weekend before Halloween she arranged for them to have a picnic in the apple orchard.

She took Alison on a scenic ride so they could see the leaves changing. Alison had learned to trust Emily on the bike. She'd never given her a reason not to. Alison was learning to let go of control, which was hard for her to do. She had always been the one in charge. It was a change of pace for her to let Emily take the lead.

Alison watched the multitude of different colors from the trees as they whizzed by them. She could see broken bits of the blue sky through the tops of the trees. The weather had cooperated for them. It was the perfect fall day.

When they got to the orchard Emily unstrapped the basket from the back of her bike and led Alison out to a spot that she'd picked out when she'd come out with Toby to scope the place out. It was a clearing where they had a perfect view of the sky, but it was off-trail, so it was private and secluded.

She set out a blanket and set up the picnic basket. Alison kicked her shoes off and sat down on the blanket. Emily sat next to her. She flipped the top open. The first thing she pulled out was a mini deli-platter with meats and cheeses.

She saw Alison make a face, and she knew exactly what was on her mind.

"I take it you've been reading up on what pregnant people can and can not eat." Emily put the food down on the blanket.

"I was curious."

"Don't worry. This is all for you. I've got baby-safe options for me." Emily reached into the basket.

She pulled out a guacamole spread with crackers and bread. She had also brought hummus, vegetables, and peppers and a small cup of fresh fruit for them to share.

It never ceased to amaze Alison how thoughtful her girl was when it came to caring for others. She managed to do it so effortlessly.

"You really thought of everything," Alison said.

She reached down and dipped a baby carrot into the hummus. She offered it to Emily. Emily leaned forward and cupped her hand underneath Alison's and took a bite. Alison popped the leftover piece into her mouth and crunched it in between her teeth.

They snacked on the food. They played with the food, too. They took turns trying to throw grapes into each other's mouths. Alison was a terrible shot, but Emily managed to score a few points. When they were down to the last few grapes she picked one up and held it up to Alison's mouth. Alison put her lips around Emily's fingers and sucked on the fruit. She wasn't sure what tasted better...the juicy mixture on the tip of her tongue or Emily's fingers. She tasted like coconut.

As she stared into Emily's eyes she couldn't help but crave more. She wondered if the rest of her tasted just as sweet. The taste of the grape soured her in mouth, and Alison realized she was only hungry for one thing.

She took the piece of fruit in between her teeth. Emily pulled her hand away. Alison chewed the grape and then swallowed it. She smiled and leaned forward and pecked Emily's lips.

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