Hot and Cold

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Chapter 18:

Hot and Cold

They went up to Alison's room so they could change out of their wet clothes. Emily changed into her new flannel shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She glanced at her phone. She had a message from her mom.

I'm off work at 5. Dinner at 7. Your dad is making lasagna.

Emily replied,

Sounds great.

Having fun shopping with Hanna?

Found some great deals.

She pushed the bags of clothes into a neat row out of the way.

She sat down in a large cushioned chair near the bay window that looked directly into her window across the street. She wondered how often Alison looked out and peered at her house, waiting for her to come to the window.

She thought about the little snow family they'd made. She couldn't see their handiwork from Alison's window. It was just beyond the corner of the house.

She zoned out as she waited on Alison to get back. The blonde said something about making hot chocolate before rushing out of the room. But when she came back she was empty-handed.

"What did I miss? Has the blizzard overrun the town yet?" Alison questioned.

"The abominable snowman made an appearance." Emily teased. She glanced at Alison's empty hands. "And I'm guessing he raided the hot chocolate stash?"

"Oh." Alison's face brightened, almost like she'd forgotten something. "We're out of the essentials. Jason must have finished it all off. He's like a human garbage disposal. Sorry it took me a few minutes. I was just making sure that all of the doors and windows are locked."

"Wouldn't want the boogeyman to get in." Emily nodded solemnly.

"Wouldn't want anyone interrupting our cuddle time." Alison corrected her.

Emily smiled a crooked smile. She glanced outside again.

"Caleb says the camera above your garage takes pictures. So we've got that extra layer of security for now."

Alison looked startled.

"How does he know that?"

"I asked Hanna to have him look into it."

"I thought we were getting hidden cameras."

"We are." Emily was a little alarmed to see Alison so upset. "Do you not want that camera on?"

"Of course I do." Her reaction felt stiff and forced. "It just feels a little...invasive."

Emily nodded in understanding. It made sense that she was freaking out. Holding a phone and taking a selfie was a lot different than being under surveillance. The situation was stressful.

"C'mere." Emily waved her over.

Alison walked over and scooted in next to her. She moved into Emily's lap and kicked her feet up over the armrest of the chair. Emily smiled at her and laid her arm across Alison's legs, curling her hand to grip her thigh.

"It's going to be okay." Emily reached up with her other hand and rolled it between her shoulder blades.

Alison loved how calming she was. She wrapped her arms around Emily and gave her a kiss.

"You look really sexy in your new clothes."

"It's flannel and sweatpants." Emily laughed.

"You could wear a potato sack and make it look sexy." Alison nuzzled her nose against Emily's.

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