San Antonio Sunset (III)

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A/N: Y'all hate me yet? We're almost through the torture. This portion of the story was so complicated to write. It was uncomfortable at times, but also important to show the mindset of Courtney and Nick and the dynamic the three of them had. Courtney's actions are deplorable, and I know my readers know that, but I always feel like I can't state it enough. It's difficult to delve into mental health the way I did for this portion of the story. You all had seen glimpses of Emily's history with Courtney. But telling the whole story is a lot to swallow. Emily's relationship with Courtney is complicated. She stated something in an earlier chapter about how she just froze and how Courtney had some kind of hold over her and that she didn't understand it. You also see Courtney show what she THINKS is affection, but she doesn't understand her emotions.


Chapter 40:

San Antonio Sunset (III)

Nick held her hand on the way to the hospital. Courtney didn't say a word. She didn't cry. She didn't react at all.

In the emergency room the doctors told them what they already knew. The baby was gone.

They couldn't tell her parents. They didn't know anything about the pregnancy. They would kill him if they knew. Darren had been helping them out financially. He knew he could send the hospital bill to him.

When Isaac showed up at her bedside she was confused. He looked at her like she was small and fragile. She didn't realize he was alarmed because of her pale skin and the sickly frail frame of her body.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

He looked sweaty. He'd probably been at the gym. He'd probably been with Emily. She angrily twisted the sheets in between her fingers when she thought about the brunette.

"Why are you here?" Courtney snapped.

Isaac looked annoyed, but then relieved. His sister was still his sister. She clearly wasn't dying. She had enough bite in her to latch on to his jugular.

"You were unconscious on the locker room floor from what I'm told. I'm sorry if I thought you might have brain damage." He rolled his eyes.

"Brain damage." She growled. "You'd love that wouldn't you? Keep me locked up in some nuthouse somewhere while mom and dad drool over their golden child." She scoffed.

"I'm not..."

He stopped when he saw her face contort in pain. She closed her eyes, a passing wave of pain leftover from the bleeding. She grunted. He reached out and tried to hold her hand, but she yanked it away. She didn't want to be touched. She was already broken enough.

"Seriously, why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you. Is it a crime to care about your sister?" He asked.

"You don't care about me."

"Retract the claws for like two seconds." He tried to get her to settle down. "Do you need anything?"

"Yes. For you to go away."

Isaac threw his hands up in exasperation. He faced Nick.

"I'm going to go grab us all some drinks."


Courtney glared as he walked across the room and around a corner.

"Why is he here?" Courtney looked at Nick. "It's just the flu."

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