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A/N:  This one gets triggering near the end. Fair warning. Hold on for the ride.


Chapter 34:


Emily didn't have to search very hard for her prom attire. After she'd asked Alison to the dance decked out in her motorcycle gear it pretty much cemented the fact that she would be wearing leather and boots to their prom, though she had briefly considered a tuxedo. Alison told her that tuxedos looked sexy as hell on her, but that leather was more her style. And Emily wanted to make her happy.

Alison's wardrobe took a little more planning. She was having a hard time finding what she wanted. Over the span of several days she went to dozens of different places, but couldn't find anything.

She finally decided to ask Hanna for help, because she knew that between the two of them they could find something that would knock Emily's boots off. An hour into their shopping spree she found a gorgeous red mesh dress which left very little to the imagination.

She spun around in the mirror, taking in her appearance. Hanna picked through a stack of dresses as she watched Alison flaunt the dress.

"Damn, you look fierce." Hanna nodded in approval as she pulled a black dress off of the rack. "I like it much better than the white one. Red is your color."

"You think Emily will like it?" Alison rubbed her fingers over the thin airy material.

"I think she'll like taking it off of you."

She saw Hanna grin deviously in the reflection of the mirror.

Alison laughed. She couldn't believe how far they had come. Nearly nine months ago they would have been willing to strangle each other in the school parking lot. Now they were dress shopping together.

"Sold." Alison turned to view the dress from another angle.

It accentuated her best features. Her curves, her chest, and her ass. She brushed her hands against her hips.

A snooty girl from school walked by, scoffing at Alison's choice. She rolled her eyes as she passed by.

"Is that to cover up the blood from your secret jailhouse murders?" She poked an accusatory finger at Alison.

Hanna spun around, angry and indignant.

"You know what? If she did have him killed she deserves a medal. And uppity bitches like you should be thanking her, because if he was set loose it's likely you would have ended up on the six o'clock news as a story about a naïve little slut being found dead in a ditch at his hands." She snapped.

The girl eeked out an unintelligible response and then skirted away with her tail between her legs.

Hanna turned around to see a surprised Alison staring back at her.

"I don't exactly adhere to Emily's approach of rising above it." Hanna shrugged, putting the black dress back on the racks.

"Yeah, me neither." Alison glanced back in the mirror at her reflection.

"Ex-lax in Ben Coogan's protein shakes?" Hanna guessed.

Alison grinned at her in the mirror.

"I have learned to use my powers for good."

She stared at herself. She looked hot. She couldn't wait for prom night. She was really glad that Emily had talked her into it. She'd been iffy about it for many reasons. But Emily was right. They only got one prom.

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