Family Ties (II)

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Chapter 24:

Family Ties (cont)

Emily drifted in and out of a dreamlike state. The baby had been really active, which kept waking her up. Every time she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Alison's face against her shoulder. Her lips were slightly parted. Her shallow breaths tickled Emily's neck. She looked perfectly content.

Alison's body heat felt like a breath of fresh air. She was rattled from Maya's near death experience and she was worried about what the psycho behind the scenes was going to do next. But the world felt calm and safe when she had Alison in her arms.

"Emily..." Alison mumbled.

Emily looked down at her. Her eyes were still closed.


Alison didn't respond. She just smiled. Then she mumbled something under her breath. She nuzzled against Emily and sighed.

"You're so warm." Her eyelids twitched. Emily realized she was still asleep. "So beautiful..." She muttered. "My mermaid..."

Emily smiled in amusement. It was one of the most adorable things she'd ever seen. She listened as Alison murmured incoherent things for a few minutes.

"I wished for you."

Emily smiled when she thought about that day at the wishing well. It was one of the first times she'd seen Alison let her guard down. She'd seen the real girl underneath the false bravado she put on for everyone else.

"You got me," Emily whispered back.

"Mmm." Alison curled her fingers into Emily's shirt, gripping the fabric.

Emily tightened her grip on the blonde. She had to readjust their position. She shifted her body weight. Alison stirred in her unconscious state and moved closer to her.

Alison sleepily lifted her head, her eyes heavy. She glanced over and saw Emily studying her face.

"What?" Alison asked. "Did I drool or something?" She reached up to wipe her mouth, but it was bone dry.

"No." Emily smiled, a crinkle in her brow. "You were talking in your sleep."

"Well, now that you know about the murder I'm covering up you're an accomplice. Can I count on you to keep quiet?" Alison's dimples topped off the cheeky smile on her face.

"Of course. Ride or die, remember?"

Alison snickered and then buried her face into Emily's body. She kissed her neck.

"What time is it?" Alison asked.

Emily reached for her phone.


"Oh, wow. Did I keep you up or did you get a nap in?"

"I got a little rest, but I kept waking up." Emily moved her hand to the front of her stomach. "She's been kicking like crazy."

"She has?" Alison's face softened.


Alison smiled and laid her palm against Emily's stomach. She didn't feel anything at first, but she waited patiently. Moments later she felt a flutter against her palm. Alison smiled. The baby had a direct line to her heart.

"Hey there, little girl." Alison spoke softly. "You need to let your mommy get some rest. She's had a rough week."

Emily felt her bladder spasm. Her child was a stubborn little jokester.

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