Chapter 13

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The sun hit my eyes causing me to awake. Today was the day I was leaving. I got up and noticed that Zander was no longer here. I looked around and saw a note on my table:


I left early so we wouldn't get caught. You looked so happy sleeping so I couldn't wake you. I am going to try to find you to say bye before you leave, but in case I miss safe. Don't make me worry now little lamb.


I smiled and got ready for the day. Shortly after getting everything together for my return home, my door knocked. My driver was here and helped me load everything into the Escalade. We had just finished putting in the last bag when Megan and Lily came running over to say 'bye' once more. I was going to miss them a lot.

They couldn't stay long due to the exit ceremony that everyone else had to attend. I was sad. I was sad to leave my friends, but I was also because I didn't get to actually say bye to Zander. As I was hopping into the back seat, I was hoping I would hear him call my name and come running towards me, but that wasn't the case. He must've gotten stuck at the ceremony. I wiped away a tear as I shut my door and the driver started the car.

As the car passed by the grounds, I couldn't help but look around one last time. I had received messages from Damian and my family excited to see my coming home, but the one message I was hoping to get never came.

Were Zander's words just a ploy to get me to at least get that far with him?

Had this really all been an elaborate game to him?

The last message I got before we hit a dead zone was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Heard you finally slept with Zander. They all saw him leaving your room in the middle of the night. Not so high and mighty now are we? Haha good riddance.

I couldn't even reply. I knew it was probably just Tara being Tara, but the fact that there's a rumor about me and Zander going around mad me mad, sad, and embarrassed. I guess this was all a game to him if he wasn't even telling people that we didn't hook up.

I can't believe I was so naive.

* * *

Hours passed in the car until we were finally pulling up to my house, the Alpha's pack house. The Alpha's family resides on the fourth floor, Beta on the third, other pack members who are over 16 and don't have families with their mates yet have rooms on the second floor, while the kitchen, dining room, living rooms, offices, and gym are all on the first floor.

The car comes to a stop in front of the house, causing me to quickly glance down at my phone. Still nothing from Zander. I message Damian saying I am back and decide to message Zander saying that I made it back, not that he cares, and shut off my phone. I get out of the car only to be tackled by my parents hugging me.

"Oh my gosh honey I am so glad you are back," my mom exclaims.

"Yes honey, I am glad you arrived safely. I know you just got here, but I have something important to discuss with you," my father states.

Uh oh. I have no idea what he could be referring to. We head inside and I quickly follow him to his office. My mother follows me in and we all sit down.

"As you know Kaileigh, it is now June. We only have about 4 months until your 18th birthday. You know the tradition. If you don't find your mate within the pack, then you will be mated to the wolf we have selected," my father begins.

"Yes father, I know what must happen. Why is this being brought up now?"

"Well, while you were away, your mother and I decided who you would be betrothed to..."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. This is not the kind of news I expected to hear.

" your mother and I discussed a change in tradition slightly. You know that we were betrothed, and the only thing we had wished was that we had been able to try to make a bond or connection before we had to mark and mate. So, we have decided to move your betrothed to our floor and kind of force you two to interact more. You need to establish a bond ahead of time, but there will be some conditions applied."

I couldn't believe what my father was saying. My mother got up and left the room as my father continued, "This will all be starting today. Your betrothed is going to be Axel Williams. He is a skilled warrior in the making, as well as a great leader in his teachings of defense to the pack. He was to be the new head patrol when you took over and he still will be if you find your mate. Your mother is fetching him now..."

I just sat there flabbergasted. I couldn't speak. I couldn't even fathom words properly at the moment. Just then, the door to the office opens and in walks my mother with this 6'2" brown haired and grey eyed guy who looked like he could kill you with his pinky....well compared to how the rest of this pack looks. We are fit, but not built because our pack never needed to be. I guess this guy didn't get the memo. He wasn't like juiced up or steroid looking, just bigger than I think necessary. He seemed really rough around the edges and you could tell he liked having authority and power.

"Kaileigh, this is Axel. Axel, this is our daughter Kaileigh," my mother stated.

Axel gave me a wink and sat down. I just rolled my eyes and scowled at my father.

"Now, I know this is weird coming from your father and Alpha, but we need to establish some conditions or allowances in your relationship. Seeing as how you two may end up being mated, I am going to allow a certain level of intimacy to happen. Now, NO mating shall occur before the ceremony. Axel, I will exile you if you harm my daughter or ruin her virtue," he gave a harsh look at Axel, "Kaileigh, your wolf will fight you on this, but you will need to reason with that side of you. I know you would honestly probably expect me to say the opposite, but this was such a weird issue for your mother and me after the ceremony that we both agree and believe that this will help," my father stated boldly.

"But dad! What if I find my mate? Won't he then think less of me because of this? I can't do that!"

Axel just gave me a scoff, "IF you find your mate, I'm sure your father will talk to him and make him understand. Otherwise he doesn't deserve to be Alpha of this pack....Alpha Collins, I agree with your thinking. It would be best for Kaileigh and I to know each other better beforehand in that aspect. Especially since her wolf side will become more active and fight her about me."

"Exactly Axel. So Kaileigh, please just understand. I don't want to force you into doing anything, but we may have to if you fight this too much. We love you sweetheart and we are just trying to make sure this all goes smoothly and that you two are compatible for the ceremony," my mother says.

I just once again sit there dumbfounded. They cannot be serious can they? And here I was feeling sucky about doing something with Zander, when they are now telling me to with Axel.

This is definitely not what I expected when I came home.

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