Chapter 43

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(Kaileigh's POV)

Alpha Braxton, Alpha Greyson, Beta Max, Dylan, Zander, and I were all currently sitting in Alpha Braxton's office. They had been discussing the attack that occurred at the school the other day when Zander and I had walked in earlier. Now, they were all looking to me, grim faces surrounding me.

"Kaileigh," Alpha Braxton began, "there's one thing about that attack that you should know..."


That's all that followed the brief pause. The stillness was eerie. Foreboding.

"...the rouge you seemed to know," he looked at me quizzically. He, well they all did, wanted to know who he was.

"Damian, Alpha," I responded meekly.

"Damian. How did you know his name?"

"I-I, uhh..." I stuttered, "I thought he was my friend."

My answer, barely a whisper, casted a damper in the air.

"Explain," Alpha Greyson sliced into the silence.

I sighed heavily, "I met him when I was about 10. He was around that age as well. I knew he was a rouge, but he said he was alone, that his parents were murdered or something along those lines. He seemed so broken and I was all alone, not allowed to really make friends, so we kindled a friendship. We would meet up at night by a lake on my territory, and just talked. That's all it ever was until the attack. I didn't even know he was a Blood Rouge until the night of the attack. I don't know when, how, or why he became one. He found out about Axel, that wolf I was bethrothed to, and his beatings and stuff, and was furious. The night the Blood Rouges attacked was the night I was pretty sure Axel was going to force mark me and mate me, despite my father's words. Damian knew this and...and I think that's why he attacked then," I stumbled out.

"And to your knowledge he held no position of power?" Alpha Braxton questioned.

"N-no, I always thought he was alone for years, until he said he was being sent places. I thought he was with a small, peaceful group since he wasn't violent at all. He was protective. I thought maybe a peaceful rouge couple had taken him in or something. I still have a hard time believing he's a Blood Rouge...and I've never seen him how he was when he attacked at the school," I finished off.

"There's something you should know," Beta Max piped in, "he's still alive."

My jaw dropped, "What?!"

"He somehow survived and escaped. We haven't located him yet," Alpha Braxton continued.

"Greyson is the only one, besides you, who got a clear look at him before he shifted. We are scouting your old territory to see if he's there, but we need a good description of him," Beta Max spoke softly.

I gave them the best description I could of him, wishing I had had my old phone since it had photos of him. My heart was breaking inside. I was happy he was alive, but sad that I was sending him his death. It broke me when I thought he had died already, despite everything he's done. I still cared. I probably always would.

The meeting continued for hours with Alpha Braxton and Alpha Greyson arguing over whether to defend or attack. It was becoming heated and hostile. Beta Max finally diffused the situation, by suggesting a compromise to both. With my information given about the passageway I used to escape, a small team would go in and evaluate the threat. If the passageway was unknown to the rouges then Dark Moon would send an attack through it, with other forces coming from the woods as a distraction. With the distraction made, the team in the passageway could infiltrate and attack from within.

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