Chapter 30

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"I'm sorry about today. The meeting didn't go well and I had a lot of pent up aggression, mainly towards Greyson, so when I saw you next to him wearing..." he looked me up and down since I was still in my swimsuit with just a blanket over my shoulders "...that, it killed me. I didn't mean to go off on you like that."

I gave a short nod, "You kind of scared me today."

Dylan walked closer to me and embraced me, "I never want to do that. I never want to scare you. I get so possessive; I'm sorry, Kaileigh."

I tried to hug him back while holding onto my blanket at the same time, but it didn't work. My blanket fell as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back, "It's okay, Dylan. I forgive you."

He squeezed me real quick before letting me go. He looked down at me, lust swirling in his eyes. He gulped and growled slightly, "I should go before I do something I shouldn't right now."

He smirked and kissed my forehead before leaving my room. I quickly put my towel back around me and headed back to Sam's room.

I told her what had happened and we watched a few more movies before we both decided to get some sleep. I looked down at my phone and saw that I forgot to reply to Zander, so I quickly told him I was heading to bed before getting up and making my way over to my room.

I had already put some clothes on my bed in case I had been too tired to walk to the closet. Yes, that happens a lot. I decided though that I should probably shower so I headed through my dark room to the bathroom anyways.

I got out of my shower sadly because it was so warm and relaxing, and realized that I left my stupid clothes on the bed. I was going to have to face the dark and probably cold room now in order to get my clothes. Why did I leave my light off? I sighed to myself. I tightened my towel around me and braced myself for the arctic chill that was my room.

I stepped into my room as I turned off my bathroom light. My eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark yet, so I couldn't see anything. I continued walking to my bed when a hand covered my mouth. I squirmed and wriggled, trying to free myself. The intruder turned me around, causing me to lose my grip on my towel, letting it fall to the floor. My intruder put me against the wall as he growled seductively. Well his eyes have apparently adjusted to the dark already!

"Mhmmm, this is even better than the bikini," my intruder spoke.

I knew that voice.


Why does this keep happening with him?!

"Hello, little lamb," he purred as he pressed himself against me and sniffed my neck.

He nipped at my neck, "Why does your room smell like Dylan?"

"He-he was in here earlier apologizing for toda- wait, why are you here? How'd you even get in here?"

"You ran away from me today, so I had to come find you. You keep running from me, little wolf, and I'll have to punish you," he purred into my ear.

My eyes were finally adjusting to the dark, so I looked at Zander. Even in the dark he looked good. I didn't even know I was biting my lip until he pulled my lip out with his thumb.

Zander walked me over to my bed and laid me down. He then started lighting some of the candles I have scattered about my room.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to see you."

"You're a wolf; you can see me already."

"Not well enough," he growled causing me to blush.

He lit the final one on my bedside table and set down the lighter before looking back at me. My nerves were going haywire, so I attempted to cover myself.

He looked at me and went to make me uncover myself when he scowled, "Where did you get these?!"

I looked down. Cr*p. I didn't have anything covering my wrists!


He grabbed my arms and started looking at my wrists more intensely, "Kaileigh, tell me."

"It wasn't here..."

He just looked at me.

"My wrists and-" I gulped.

"And?! And what?"

He began looking me all over, but I held my legs tightly together.

"Show me, Kaileigh. What else?"

I sighed, knowing he would see it eventually, and slowly lifted up my leg. I looked away as I told him to look at my inner thigh. I knew the tears were about to start falling. He probably wouldn't want me anymore now. I'm scarred.

Zander looked at my thigh and growled when he saw the mark. He rubbed over it with his hand, "It's scarred. How many times did someone do this to you?"

I sniffled, "I can't even count it anymore..."

He looked up at me when he heard me sniffle, "Kaileigh, Kaileigh, no don't cry, please. Why are you crying?"

"I'm scarred. No one is going to want me now, especially you."

"No, Kaileigh. I'll always want you. These scars will go away or we can turn them into something beautiful if they don't."

I sniffled once more as I looked at him, "Really?"

"Yes, Kaileigh, but you have to tell me what happened."


I told Zander about becoming betrothed to Axel. I told him about Axel's true nature and everything he did to me. I told him how Axel tied me up and hit me when I wouldn't submit, how he bit me there every time to make sure no one else would touch me, how he threatened to mate and mark me against my will if I stepped out of line, and how he basically claimed me in every other way he could, while also forcing me to satisfy him whenever he wanted.

Zander's eyes looked murderous. I whimpered underneath him. He didn't move for a bit. It was if he was having an internal battle.


His eyes flickered down to mine. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I-if it makes you feel any better, he's probably dead or held hostage by the Blood Rogues..."

"Kind of..." he growled out, "I'd rather torture him myself."

I whimpered underneath him again and he looked down at me, sighing again.

"See...I knew you wouldn't want me anymore," I said as tears fell down my face.

Zander just looked down at me once more, not saying a word.

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