Chapter 39

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"Penelope, anything on who could be watching this feed right now?" I ask
"It's... it's someone in the same area, maybe in the same building" she says
"Anyone you suspect? Anyone who moved in within the last year maybe?" Aaron asks me
"Rogers. He moved in a year ago and is leaving only a few apartments away from me. But he is one of those that thinks that me and the FBI are watching him so I keep avoiding him" I say
"How many times has he told you that? And when?" he asks
"Once or twice maybe during the first couple of months that he moved in" I say "Most of the people that think that we are secretly watching them won't stop saying it to us and trying to prove it until it is proven that they are right. He told you that so you would start avoiding him" he says.

"Let's go" he says and I follow him to the conference room "Morgan, JJ, go get ready, we are leaving. Jessie, you stay here" he says
"No, I'm coming" I say and I leave the room without letting him answer. We took a SWAT team and went to find Rogers. With search warrant for his apartment and everything. Morgan goes first and knocks the door hard
"Rogers, FBI! Open the door!" he yells but there is no answer. Aaron nods at him and he kicks the door. We go in and we find immediately Rogers dead on the floor, shot in the head, execution style. "Calvert?" Derek asks
"He did his part so he had to shut him up" I say.

"The place is clear but you might want to see this" JJ says and we follow her to the room. There are tapes with dates in them organised on shelves. "These go one year ago" she says.
"Excuse me" I say and I go outside. Aaron follows me there. "I'm fine" I say
"No, you're not but it's ok" he says and hugs me.

Later that day, when the rest of the team had alredy left to go home and I was waiting for Aaron. The door to his office was open but I knock anyway "I'm almost done. You can leave if you're tired" he says
"Can I sit here with you for a bit?" I ask
"Of course" he answers. I walk inside and I sit down on the couch. I lay my head back and I close my eyes. I hear him as he gets up and walks to me. "It's done. He's gone" he says holding my hands
"I know. But I fought for him, I tried to save him but he..." I say
"It wasn't your fault. You did everything to save him even after everything he did to you. That requires so much strength" he says and I nod.

"If I remember correctly you just got a promotion today" he says
"Well, half promotion" I say
"But we didn't celebrate" he says taking a bottle of expensive whiskey and 2 glasses out of on of his drawers.
"Agent Hotchner, alchohol on the job?" I ask and he smiles as he pours whiskey in both glasses. "I love you so much. I love you because you are celebrating me going higher but you know that when it really happens you might go lower" I say and I kiss him.
"I'm celebrating my wife's almost promotion. And when the time comes I will accept that she has become better than me" he says and I smile
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" he says and we kiss.

We pull away and I smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt" David says standing next to the door
"What do you need Dave?" Aaron asks
"I am glad that I find both of you here because I have something for you" he says as he walks inside. "I talked to Strauss ealrier" he says
"Oh no" I say
"No, don't worry. I convinced her to give both of you two weeks off starting from Monday. Which means that if nothing serious happens by the end of the week, you are both starting your leaves. She wasn't very happy to let go of her Unit Chief and emergency Unit Chief at the same time but you can't make everyone happy" he says
"Wh--" I start to say but he stops me
"Don't interrupt. I also asked for some help from Reid for destination statistics and for some deals from Garcia and I landed on the best honeymoon destination for the two of you. Get ready for two weeks in sunny Santorini. Everything is booked and already paid. And Greece is far enough from here that no one will bother you, which means no cases coming in unexpectedly" he says handing Aaron the envelope with the tickets and everything.

"No, we can't take that" I say
"Yes, you can. After everything that happened lately, you both deserve some peace and quiet. Consider it my wedding gift to you. And I'm sure Jack will enjoy some days in uncle David's mansion" he says
"I... I don't know what to say" I say
"Say that you're gonna go home and start packing" he says
"We will. But let me pay you back. Is the thought that counts, really" Aaron says
"No, no. Go and have fun. It was almost nothing for me because, trust me, I have many friends and relatives spread out in the Mediterranean sea" David says
"I don't know how to thank you Dave" Aaron says
"You don't have to" he says
"I..." I open my mouth to say something but I can't find the right words. I get up and I hug him "Thank you" I say
"You're welcome..." he says holding me "... magical fairy princess" he continues causing me to laugh
"You still remember that?" I ask
"Oh yes" he says.

"Magical fairy princess?" Aaron asks
"That's a long story" I say
"I'm sure we can give him a short version of it" David says
"No, please" I say covering my face
"Sit Dave. Need a drink?" Aaron asks
"I certainly do" he says looking at the old nice whiskey. Aaron takes out another glass and pours some to him.
"You want to start?" David asks
"My last Halloween with my dad, I wanted to be a magical fairy princess and I was reminding him of that every day for almost two months until October 31st. So when I finally got my costume, I was so excited! It was amazing. It was my favourite colour sparkling dress, it had matching sparkling wings, a magic wand and a beautiful tiara. After Halloween I didn't want to take it off so I would wear it all the time besides school. I was even wearing it when I was coming here to the BAU for a walk to see my dad" I say
"I still remember 5-year-old Jess running in the hallways trying not to trip on her dress while a 9-year-old superman was chasing her" David says and Aaron laughs
"I didn't want to be just a princess or a fairy. I wanted to be a magical fairy princess. I always went big" I point out and they chuckle.

"I wish both of you the best and have the most amazing honeymoon" David says raising his glass
"Thank you" both Aaron and I say and we drink to that.

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