Chapter 52

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The next morning, when I woke up for work, I saw Aaron getting ready. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask
"Don't worry, I'm just changing" he says
"Good cause you are staying home for one more day at least" I say as I walk to the bathroom
"I know" he says. But as I walked in the bathroom, I saw a cockroach under the sink.

"Aaron!" I say calmly and I get out of the bathroom shutting the door behind me
"What? Are you ok?" he asks running to me
"I will tell you something but I don't want you to freak out too or laugh at me. Ok?" I ask
"Ok..." he says folding his arms
"There is a cockroach in the bathroom. It just ran under the cabinet of the sink" I say and I can say that he is having trouble controlling his laughter. "Stop laughing!" I say and he laughs harder
"Wait, wait..." he says laughing " profile and catch disorganized psychopaths and you're scared of a cockroach?" he asks
"Not exactly scared... I would say... very VERY disgusted. Please, can you...?" I ask nicely pointing at the door
"I can" he says and I walk out from his way
"You got this. You're the best. But please when you go in, shut the door again immediately because if it runs out and you can't find it, I'm moving out" I say
"Ok" he says
"And don't kill it if you can" I say
"What? Remorse?" he asks ironically
"A dead cockroach releases oleic acid. This has a pungent smell which intern attracts other cockroaches" I say
"Ok Reid. I'll do my best" he says
"Haha, very funny" I say as he goes inside.

"You see it?" I ask
"I do" he says from inside
"Good. Now put her somewhere and get her outside" I say
"Well, it's kinda late for that" he says
"What? Did she get away?" I ask and I climb on the couch. He opens the door and comes out carrying a plastic cup.
"I was about to trap it in the cup but it ran away the last second and I accidentally cut its head off" he says
"I asked you not to do one thing..." I say
"What shall I do with the body?" he asks
"Garbage" I say and he walks to the kitchen "Outside!" I say and he changes his way.

"Why was there a cockroach here in the first place? My house is always clean" I say pretending to cry
"I don't think it really matters to them anymore. It could have come from outside from a window or even the door" he says
"Ok, I need to clean all the house again when I get back because I don't know where it walked" I say
"Wait, I didn't mean--" he says
"Stop before you make it worse" I say and he nods.

"You never told me that you were afraid of cockroaches" he says from the room
"I said that I'm not afraid of them" I say from the bathroom
"Yeah right" he says ironically
"Oh don't flatter yourself. You just found the only thing I need you for" I say
"The only?" he asks
"Yes, I'm an independent and strong woman of the 21st century" I say
"Ok. Then I guess you created that baby in your belly by yourself" he says as he leans against the doorframe
"Ok, fine, sex too" I whisper and he chuckles "But there are always toys" I say
"Yeah right. I better not find anything close to that" he says
"Don't worry honey, you will never find them" I say and I go back to the room.

I start getting dressed and a few seconds later he comes too. "So wait... You still have--" he asks
"Of course I do. What did you think?" I ask but he doesn't answer. "Look, it doesn't matter how good your partner is. You're amazing, you're the best but sometimes a lady needs her privacy and pleasure" I say
"I still don't know how to feel about it" he says
"It's ok. You just forget it and move on" I say and I kiss him. "I gotta go to work now. Bye" I say and I leave.

First thing I did when I got to the bureau was run in the office to review the potential cases with Penelope. "Good morning" she says
"Good morning. I'm sorry I'm late" I say
"It's ok. Are Jack and Hotch ok?" she asks
"Yeah, they are both feeling better. Tell me about the cases" I say
"I have a really strong case. 3 women in the last month" she says
"So much for a cooling off period. Keep talking" I say as I keep putting the files that came on the desk in an order
"All of them were strangled, the first two with a wire and the last one with bare hands" she says
"Ok. Gather the others in the conference room and I'll be right there" I say and she leaves.

On the jet, Aaron called me."I found where the cockroach came from because I saw another one coming up the drain of the bathroom sink" is the first thing he said
"I told you that killing the first will attract more" I say
"Don't worry, I run warm water through sink pipes for at least 3 minutes, then 3-4 cups of boiling water down the drain, made a mixture of baking soda and distilled vinegar, half a cup of baking soda followed by half a cup of distilled white vinegar and done. Nothing will come up the drain again. I also changed the apple and cinnamon candle that you had in the bathroom with the lavender one because I read that they don't like the smell of lavender" he says
"You are amazing. Thank you. So... did you find what you were looking for?" I ask
"What are you talking about?" he asks
"Come on, I know that you've been looking all day for my... things" I say
"Oh I haven't looked" he says
"Yeah, right" I say ironically. "In my nightstand. Last drawer, in a box behind the few books that I have stacked in there and it has a book on top of it too" I say
"I will go make sure that they are in there in a bit" he says and I chuckle
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" he says and hungs up.

David comes probably to get some coffee as I hung up. "Everything ok?" he asks
"Yeah" I say as I move to leave but he stops me
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have told the... story about your dad" he says
"It's ok. I kind of overreacted too. I guess I still haven't gotten over it completely yet" I say
"I know. And the worst part about it is that whoever that son of a bitch is, we have almost zero profile and he is still out there somewhere, right?" he asks
"And he might never be prosecuted. The statute of limitations is almost over and he haven't resurfaced since then" I say
"We already knew that he knew the system and how to avoid it" he says
"Oh trust me, I have learned all those files by heart" I say
"Does Hotch know?" he asks
"Well... He knows the story but not that I'm still working on that alone" I say
"If you need help, you know where to find me kid" he says
"Thank you" I say.

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