Chapter 34

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I went back to Aaron's office with the crime photos and the hospitals' documents that Penelope printed out for me. I was trying to built a first profile, something that the others that were on the field could start with when they land. It also worked on me getting my mind off Rony who was currently with Derek. We should be working together right now but he said that he can work from his office and I can work from here. In case we have something, we call. I owe him a big one for this.

My phone rings and Aaron's name pops up on the screen. "Hey" I say picking up
"Hey, everything ok there?" he asks
"I... I am sorry I didn't tell you" I say
"It's ok. Is he there now?" he asks
"No, Derek is keeping him in his office and I am currently sitting in your office in order to work and kinda hide from him. He can't come in here from behind me like my desk or the conference room. I hope that's ok" I say
"It is" he says
"Great. I am trying to start a base for the profile locking my emotions away but this is kinda hitting too close to home" I say
"Continue..." he says
"Female in her 30s, not very sociable but very angry. And from the looks of every victim's background and the records that Penelope sent you earlier I'd say that she was a victim of domestic violence that now decided to take matters into her own hands because the system failed her" I say
"Is there any common name in the records?" he asks
"No" I say
"But are you sure about that profile you have right now?" he asks
"I am Aaron" I say
"Ok. I'll have a look at it with the others and I'll let you know. Until then you have Garcia make a list with the names of women that filed reports for violence that were dropped or covered up during the last year. We'll narrow down the list later" he says
"I will" I say nut I don't hung up yet.

"Thank you" I say
"For what?" he asks
"You know" I say smiling
"I just want you to be safe" he says
"That's why you left 'muscles' behind with me? Morgan is gonna keep me safe?" I ask ironically
"Here she is. Here is the Jessie I know" he says and I chuckle. "But you avoided the question if everything is ok, twice. What happened?" he asks and I take a deep breath. "Tell me" he says.
"He went in the bathroom and I was on my way to Penelope's office in order to hide from him. Derek left him out of his sight for a second and he... he wrapped his hand around my throat and hold me up against the wall. But I'm ok, I'm ok" I say
"I should have stay back with you" he says
"No, no, you are needed there. And like you said 'your emotional state should not affect the investigation'. We already had to do enough compromissing here in order for me to work so you just worry about the case now. Not me" I say.
"Call if you have something new" he says
"I will. Bye" I say
"Bye" he says and hungs up.

I get ready to go to Penelope's office but before I could even stand up, there is a knock on the door. I don't answer immediately. "It's me" I hear Penelope's voice
"Come in" I say
"I was actually on my way to you right now" I say and I look at her. That's when I saw her red puffy eyes. "What happened?" I ask worried
"I know that you said that I didn't need to do a background research for Agent Calvert but I did anyway and I found some things. I'm sorry" she says as she lays the hospital records with my name on them on the desk. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know" she says
"It's ok. That's why Derek is trying to keep him busy all day today" I say
"Does Hotch know?" she asks
"Yes" I say
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks
"Honestly? No, I don't to ever have to talk about it again and I don't want to ever see him again but here we are" I say. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Let's just get this case done as soon as possible so he can be out of here" I say
"Ok, ok" she says.

"What did you need me for?" she asks 
"I need you to make a list of names from women that filed reports for domestic violence in Seattle mostly that were eventually dropped or covered up" I say
"Ok, I can do that" she says
"Great. Hotch might call you later with more information so you can narrow down the list" I say
"Ok, I can stay with you if you want some company. I will bring my laptop here" she says
"Thank you" I say and she smiles.

She sat on the couch because she didn't want to look at the crime scene photos that I had laid out on the desk which I totally understand. "I'm gonna go get some coffee" I say as I stand up
"And I need a tea refill" she says and stands up too. We go to the kitchen and I start the coffee machine.

"Hello ladies" Rony says as he approaches with Derek
"Derek, want some coffee?" I ask as I pour coffee in my cup
"No, thanks" he says
"I want coffee" Rony says
"Get it yourself" I say taking my cup and I start walking back to the office. As I walked past Rony, I could see the proud smile on Derek's face.
"You will regret this" Rony says as I walk away but I ignore him and keep walking
"Enough buddy" Derek says immediately. Penelope follows me back in the office
"Are you ok?" she asks
"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry, I've been used to building up some confidence and him destroying it. Let's keep digging" I say as I sit down.

I look again at the crime scene photos. "The victims didn't show any signs of resistance" I say
"They didn't try to fight back?" she asks
"No, they did but not until she attacked them. I mean there wasn't a blitz attack. How did she get in the first victims house? Why didn't the second victim ran?" I ask
"Because she is a woman maybe?" she says
"No, no, a woman with that kind of range won't pretend to be a helpless girl. And in order for her to find her targets she needs access to either medical records or police reports so narrow down the list to cops, security, even agents that had an incident in the last two or three months" I say and she starts typing faster.

"Oh that can't be good" she says
"What?" I ask
"Everytime someone passes the security downstairs, I get a notification so I know when you're all here in the morning so I know when to go in the conference to walk you through the case" she says
"Ok... Get to the point" I say
"I just got a notification with a code from an agent that I haven't seen before so I matched really quick with the data base and it matches Agent Stacey Miller from the field office in Seattle" she says
"Does she match the profile?" I ask
"She had filed a report twice in the last two years. First time was two years ago and last time was a month ago. Both times the charges were dropped. A month ago she had a miscarriage but when she was brought in to the hospital she also had fresh bruises around her neck and body" she says
"Who was the partner?" I ask
"Rony Calvert..." she says
"He is her endgame and she won't stop unless she gets to him. Call Hotch and tell him everything you just said to me" I say and I leave running for Morgan's office.

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