Chapter 33

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As soon as the others left, Derek came to me "Hey" he says and sits on my desk
"Hey" I say
"Are you ok?" he asks
"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, I love Jack and Aaron but it's good to be back here" I say and he smiles. "Where is Agent Calvert?" I ask
"He is in the restroom. I'm gonna take him to my office in a bit so you can work in peace or with Penelope" he says and I nod.
"Yeah, I think that I'm gonna do that" I say and I get up.
"I'm here if you need anything" he says
"I know" I say with a small smile. 

I walk to Penelope's office fast so I wouldn't accidentally run into  Rony. But today everything is going from bad to worse so of course I saw him. "Jessie..." I hear from behind and I freeze. "Long time no seem" he says walking closer to me. I gather all the streght I had at that moment in order to speak.
"It was a good time" I say without turning to look at him.
"Excuse me?" he asks in that familiar and a bit scary tone of voice. I take a step to leave but he grabs my arm.
"Let me go" I say. He drags me in the storage room and locks the door.
"You won't talk to me like that" he says
"I will talk to you however I want" I say and he chuckles. 

"In case you haven't noticed, your new boyfriend is not here to save you" he says
"I don't have a boyfriend" I say
"Yeah, I guess you're right. He is too old to be considered a boyfriend. But you were always running after money and authority, right?" he says
"Then what did I see in you?" I ask. He wraps his hand around my throat and pins me on the wall. I take a few breaths and I try to stand on my feet which are giving up at this point. I don't want to show him that I'm still scared of him but I can feel the breakdown coming.
"You have no idea what I'm gonna do to you now that I found you again" he says.
"Just in case you haven't noticed there are camera's all over this building including the hallways" I say.
He lets go of me "I'm not done with you" he says and leaves the room. 

I get out and I run to the restroom. I fall on my knees and I throw up in the toilet. I haven't gotten to the point of throwing up because of pressure ever again. I hear the door open again but I can't see who it is from my position. And there are no cameras here and I am alone in case he followed me again. Another wave of nausea hit me and I throw up again. "Jessie?" I hear Derek's voice and I get up.
"I'm fine" I say as I walk to the counter. I splash some water on my face and I try to calm down.
"He found you, didn't he?" he asks but I just keep starring down at the running water.
"I'm sorry, I was coming to find you and--" he says
"No, it's not your fault" I say. 

"Hotch told you, didn't he?" I ask wiping my face
"He did. He told me to keep an eye on him so I'm sorry" he says
"Just don't tell him this happened. I'm gonna sit in his office for a bit to calm down if that's ok" I say
"Of course. I can stay with you if you want" he says rubbing my back
"No, go keep an eye on him" I say and he nods. I take a deep breath and I get out trying to look as fine as I can. I don't want him to see that he still has that effect on me because he is going to use it again.

Derek follows me to make sure I make it there safely and without company. I get to Aaron's office and as soon as I close the door I collapse on the couch. I see from the window that Derek takes Rony in his office. "I am fine. I am stronger than him. He is just a weak narcissist. I don't need to be scared anymore. I am not a victim. I am good. I am strong. I am good. He can't hurt me in here. Derek is here. He won't let him out of his sight again. I am going to be fine" I say to myself trying to keep myself sane. But what if Rony says something to him? What happens if he tries to turn him and everyone else against me? 

I take my phone and I text Derek 'I need you ASAP' and he came in less than a minute. "What happened?" he asks
"Whatever he tells you, don't believe him. Whatever he told you about me, it's not true. It's not true. He takes the truth and twists it to fit his own story. He is probably going to try to take everything from me again because I walked away the last time and came here. So I'm begging you Derek, don't believe anything he says" I say as fast as I can tell while trying not to let the tears fall from my eyes.

"Hey, hey, princess..." he says and puts his hands on my shoulders "... I've known you for 3 years and I've seen you through good and recently bad times. I know exactly who you are and nothing that he'll say will change that. Not for me and not for anyone else" he says
"Thank you" I say and a tear manages to escape my eye. "Thank you" I say again. He hugs me and rubs my back.
"You don't need to be scared of him" he says
"I know but I can't help it. Gosh... I'm so glad Aaron isn't here right now" I say wiping my tears.

"Why the hell is that bastard here anyway?" Derek asks
"Because the unsub is killing his friends" I say
"Were they like him?" he asks
"The first victim for sure" I say
"Then maybe that's our connection" he says
"Revenge from an ex? It's not hard at all to imagine it. Let's have Penelope check it out" I say and he follows me there.

"Babygirl, can you check if there are any reports for violence on their records?" Derek asks as we get in
"You know that I can" she says and starts typing
"Also check hospital records if they brought in their girlfriend with suspicious injuries" I say
"Consider it done. I'll let you know when I have something" she says
"I'm gonna go to Calvert. You stay here" Derek says and leaves.

"Oh jeez" she says
"Tell me" I say and I sit next to her
"All of them have brought their partners in the hospital with suspicious injuries at least once" she says. "Do I need to search for Agent Calvert's past too?" she asks
"No, you don't" I say as I call Hotch
"Everything ok?" he asks
"We just found the main connection between the victims" I say.

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