Chapter 32

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Today is my first day back at work and even if I won't be traveling with them for the next 4 weeks, I can't wait to go back. Aaron left before me because he has an early meeting with the director so I dropped Jack at school and then I went to the bureau. I reach the 6th floor and as the elevator opens I see Penelope waiting on the other side. "Welcome back!" she says and hugs me
"Thank you" I say hugging her back. "And also thank you for all the photos you sent me while I was home to keep me company" I say
"You're welcome. Come on" she says and she takes me inside. "Here she is!" she says to the others. 

I hugged everyone including Spencer and thanked them for the warm welcoming. Aaron wasn't there yet because he was still in the meeting with the director which was actually kind of concerning. He came down about half an hour later and called us all in the conference room. "We have a new case" he says as we sit down
"But, sir, I didn't get any new cases" Penelope says
"This one came directly to me from the director" he says. "During the last three weeks there has been three murders in Seattle in which they are involved two Agents from the Seattle filed office. First victim was SSA Michael Will...". I knew Michael because he used to be friends with Rony. "He was found at his house stabbed 18 times in the face, chest and genetals. Second victim was Jackson Klay who was killing at an alley to his way back from work. He was stabbed 22 times also in the face, chest and genetals. The victim was SSA Daniel Sonner. He was stabbed 19 times at the same places" he says
"Hate crimes" David says
"That's what they've been thinking too but there is another thing that they asked for" he says
"What is it?" Morgan asks
"The unsub is going to kill again and there is an Agent from the field office that believes that he is also in the target list. The Seattle office agreed on giving him protection so he is traveling here from Seattle. SSA Rony Calvert should be here within the next hour" he says and I freeze in place. 

He kept talking but to be honest I didn't hear a word after I heard his name. I thought that I wasn't still scared of him but as soon as I heard that he's coming, my legs gave up. Thankfully, I was sitting and the others' focus was on the screen and not on me. Aaron and Emily are the only ones who know the story but I never told them his name. What am I gonna do? I can't stay alone with him. But I also don't want to show that I'm vulnerable and cause Aaron to regret his decision to bring me back. "Jessie..." he says and I snap out of my thoughts "'re gonna stay here with Agent Calvert and the rest of us will head to Seattle" he says and I nod. I can stay with Penelope all day in her office, right? 

"Agent Hotchner?" we hear Anderson and we turn to look at him "Agent Calvert is here" he says.
"Bring him in here" Aaron says and I turn to look away from the door. I didn't want to see him again. I disappeared from him and now he's here again and only God knows what he's gonna do when he sees me. Maybe he already knows that I'm here. "Welcome Agent. I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, unit chief. These are SSAs Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Jareau, Grey, Dr Reid.and our techical analyst Penelope Garcia" Aaron says. I take a deep breath and I turn my head to look at him.
"It's good to be here" Rony says and looks at me with that threatning look in his eyes. "Thank you for accepting to have me here" he says. 

"You will be staying here with Agent Grey. For the rest of us wheels up in 30" Aaron says and moves to leave the confrence room.
"Wait" I say and they all stop "I know that we haven't built the profile yet but from the looks of it, it seems like the unsub is stalking their victims before killing them. In the first victim he or she knew where he was living and for the second victim he or she knew the way the victim took to return from work. So maybe they already follow Agent Calvert and they know that he's here. And in case that's true, you know that I can't be in the field yet" I say trying to make an excuse to not stay alone back here.
"Jessie might be right" Derek says
"Yeah. Morgan, you stay with them" Aaron says and a small part a bit relieved.
"Grey, can I have a word with you?" he asks
"Yes sir" I say and I follow him in his office.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asks
"Nothing, I'm good" I say
"Jessie, even if you're not supposed to be in the field, if you had the opportunity, you wouldn't throw it away. So why did you now?" he asks
"I'm just not sure if I am physically ready to... protect Agent Calvert by myself" I say
"And now that it's just the two of us, you are talking to me formally which means that something is wrong" he says. "Tell me. Were you not ready to come back? Or did you regret saying yes?" he asks
"No, of course not. And I am ready for work. I just wasn't ready for this kind of case" I say
"Killing Agents? It's mostly men so you are not a potential target" he says
"No, it's not that. It's just... Nothing, forget it. I'll be fine" I say
"I need to know if your emotional state will affect the investigation" he says
"It won't. I am gonna stay with Penelope in her office and help you and Derek is going to be with Calvert in case he needs... muscles" I say.

I move to the door but he stops me "You would never admit that anyone and especially Morgan, that is better than you at anything. So are you avoiding Agent Calvert?" he asks
"No, stop profiling me! I just want to be sure that nothing unfortunate happens" I say "I'm fine" I say and I peck his lips. "Have a good flight" I say and I leave his office. I go and I sit in my desk with JJ who was getting ready to leave. He is gonna figure it out sooner or later when he remembers about what I have told him but until then I have some time. 

Meanwhile, Aaron follows me out of his office and he goes to Derek's office. "Please keep an eye on Calvert and don't let him alone with Jessie" he says
"Did something happen?" Derek asks
"Not yet but if what I think is happening, it won't take him long to..." Aaron says
"Hotch, tell me what's going on" he says
"Calvert is her ex and he was not the gentleman he appears to be. I don't know why she doesn't want to tell me but I think that she is still scared of him" Aaron says
"Are you sure about it?" Derek asks
"She just told me that she wants him to stay with you because you are stronger. Does it sound like something she would admit about you?" Aaron asks
"No, it doesn't" Derek says
"I want to stay but I can't--"
"Go. I got it here" Derek says
"Thank you" Aaron says
"No problem" he replies immediately
"And don't tell her that I told you any of that" Aaron says
"I won't" he says
"Thanks" Aaron says and leaves Derek's office.

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