Chapter 48

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When we returned home, we told Jack about it and had a talk about what the new addition to the family means. We wanted to make sure he doesn't feel like he is being replaced or left out. And the truth is that he seemed to understand and he was genuinely excited. He even asked if he can help with baby when he can which actually made me tear up.

Later that day, Aaron dropped him at a friend's house to go play. I was sitting on the couch, browsing on my phone while he was making something to eat in the kitchen. "Many child phycologists suggest that with the coming of the new baby, the parents should buy the older sibling a really good gift" I say as he comes in the living room. He sits next to me and leaves the plate with the sandwich he made on the coffee table
"Let me guess, because that way the older sibling will connect the coming of the new baby with a really good event in his subconscious" he says as he wraps his arm around me
"Exactly. Are you a profiler or something?" I ask ironically and he smiles. "So what does Jack want?" I ask letting my phone down
"His requests change every month so I say we leave that for later" he says
"Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, why is there just one sandwich on the plate? Why don't I see one for me?" I ask as nice as I can and giving him my best puppy eyes
"You could have asked when I was in the kitchen" he says
"I didn't want one until now" I say
"Ok, give me a few minutes" he says standing up from the couch
"Thank you I love you" I say and he pecks my lips before he goes back in the kitchen.
"David asked if we want to go to his house later. He said he has a surprise... Everyone else will be there" he suggests as he comes back
"Sure" I say and I start eating.

When we got to David mansion and most of them were already there. "Hello hello" I say as I see Derek and Penelope in the bar
"You didn't see her, did you?" Derek asks
"See who?" I ask
"She went in the bathroom" Penelope says
"Who?" Aaron asks. I hear steps and I turn around to see who is coming. I scream and I run to hug her.
"Prentiss is here" Derek finally says.

"I missed you" I say
"I missed you too guys" she says as we pull away
"When did you come back? Why didn't you say anything?" I ask
"I came today and I wanted it to be a surprise" she says.
"Hey Emily" Aaron says and they hug
"Hi Hotch. And congratulations" she whispers the last part and he looks at me
"When I tell you that no one knows, I don't mean her. She always knows everything" I say and he smiles. "For how long are you staying?" I ask
"A few days" she answers
"Better than nothing" I say and we hug again.

Later, I went inside to get some water and I found Derek getting a refill on the bar. "Hey, want one?" he asks showing me the tequila and the truths is that I already miss it.
"No, thank you" I say
"What? You can't handle a shot?" Morgan asks challenging me
"You know that I can crash you at any time and at everything. But I can't drink right now" I say
"Come on Grey" he says and I smile
"I'm pregnant" I say and he freezes.
"Your kidding" he says
"No, I'm not. Ask Hotch" I say
"Hotch!" he yells causing me to chuckle. Aaron turns his head towards us "Is she...?" he asks. Aaron immediately smiles and nods. "Oh my God, congratulations" he says and hugs me.
"Thank you" I say and then Penelope comes.
"Oh hugs are happening. I want a hug" she says and joins in. "Why are we hugging?" she asks and I smile "Wow, you're glowing" she says looking at me "Derek, she's glowing. She's glowing! Oh my God! Oh my God!" she says excited and hugs me again "Congratulations! Does Hotch know?" she asks
"Yeah" I say
"Oh my God! Have you thought about any potential godmother because I'm avaliable" she says
"Well, your name crossed my mind but I thought since you have Henry--" I say but she interrupts me
"Oh I can handle as many godchildren as you give me. I have no problem. I promise to love all my children equally" she says
"Then if you convince Hotch..." I say
"I'll start right now" she says
"But do it a little... you know... discreet, bring it up a little indirect because we haven't discussed it yet" I say
"Yeah, I know" she says and walks to him
"She won't be discreet or indirect" Derek says
"I know" I say nodding my head.

We walk to the others "... but, sir, JJ can tell you what an amazing godmother I am" I hear Penelope say as we approach
"We'll think about it. Thank you" Aaron says trying to get out of the conversation. "Did you put her up to this?" he asks me
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say
"Yeah right" he says wrapping his arm around me.

"When were you planning on telling us?" David asks as he hugs me
"Tonight?" Aaron says
"Congratulations. How far?" JJ asks
"13 weeks" I answer
"Any morning sickness?" she asks
"No thankfully. But besides the PE I'm so hot like all the time" I say
"I know exactly how that feels" she says.
"I already knew it" Spencer says proudly
"Did you tell him before telling me?" Aaron asks
"No, I didn't but he probably figured it out by himself. He knows when we have our periods and when we don't" I say
"That and her breasts got bigger within the last 3 weeks, she hasn't drank coffee since she came back to work and she's eating everything in her way" he says.

"I don't know if I should be happy about your observation skill or punch you because you just admitted that you are looking at her breasts" Aaron says
"Oh stop. Like you weren't checking out my butt when you first saw me" I say and I kiss him
"And look where that got us" he says
"Yeah... Mistakes happened" I say and he laughs. "I love you" I say
"I love you too" he says and kisses me.

"Well..." David says raising his glass " family" he says
"To family" we all say and they drink to that.
"Hope everything goes well and we have a new addition soon" Derek says looking at us
"Well, this baby didn't just make it in my uterus but it also survived a shooting so I have a good feeling about it" I say
"Well, of course it did. It's part Grey and part Hotchner" David says
"Actually that d---" Spencer starts to say and we all look at him "Sorry" he says.

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