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Today is Boxing day, the day after Blake proposed to me in front of our two families and he tells me that he even asked for my Dad permission something that I have always wanted when I was going to be engaged. I lay on my back looking up at the ceiling smiling replaying all the words he spoke to me when he was down on one knee. Sam sent me the video of Blake's proposal "so you can reply this moment for the rest of your life sister-in-law ;)x" I smile at the message I send her a reply "Will you do the honours of being my bridesmaid?" I see the three little bubbles as she responds "nothing makes me happier and I will wear a dress just for you guys :)" I smile and then I text Layla as I want her to be my maid of honour I should do it in person but I want to ask her now I look at my ring and then to the handsome naked man next to me "good morning hun I have a very important question to ask you would you do me the honours of being my maid of honour for me? x" I wait for the response "oh my god!! of course I would love too I'm going to cry bloody pregnancy hormones x"  I giggle Blake shifts besides me and opens one eye "good morning fiancée" He smiles and pulls me down to his lips and I smile "good morning" I reply back "we got any plans today?" I ask him looking at him with such love "how about ice skating in front of the Rocker Feller Centre" He says as I trace circles around above his heart. 

We lay in bed for I don't know how long "oi lovebirds are you coming down for breakfast?" Sam shouts from downstairs and I giggle "we better get up, oh I've asked Layla to be my maid of honour and Sam to be bridesmaid" I say as I throw the cover back and pull on my night gown and Blake follows pulling on some pyjama pants and a grey t-shit his hair a mess. I look at the ring then at the man who gave it to me. "you look so sexy" I say letting my finger trail up his t-shirt covered chest "and you look stunning" he says pulling me to him placing a gentle kiss on my lips then takes my hand and we walk downstairs. "The happy couple is awake" I smile shyly tucking a hair behind my ear as Blake strokes my cheek. "So the most desired bachelor is off the market for good" Sam says drinking her coffee "I guess so" Blake says pulling my back into his chest and kisses my neck as I tilt my head giving him access to my bare skin. 

We have breakfast and then we head to the city for our ice skating slot, "What time is our slot?" I ask him "and have you texted Taylor the news" I ask him as I bring our over night bags downstairs "I should be doing that" Blake says coming up to me and taking the bag from me as we head out. Blake drops our bags in the trunk and picks up the presents that we recieved from everyone then we head back into the house to say our goodbyes. I really hope that Mary is going to be here for when we get married because if she isn't here that is going to crush Blake and me. We hug and kiss everyone goodbye and jump in the car, Blake puts the car into reverse and we back out of the driveway. "Want some music on" Blake says turning on the radio and starts singing along I watch him as he drums his fingers on the steering wheel. I sit and watch my fiancé "I know you're watching me" Blake says quickly looking my way and I smile bringing my hand to the side of his face. I get out my phone taking a picture of my left hand sending it to Charlotte "oh my god!! Jasmine congratulations to you and the boss can't wait to see it in person" Charlotte texts back "we are heading to go ice skating if you fancy meeting up with us" I reply. "Sounds good oh and I heard that Rick is now behind bars again he busted his restraining order that you put together so he's going to be behind bars for years" I completely forgot all about that incident in the park. 

We drop our things off back at the apartment and change into something more comfortable for ice skating. "You ever skated before?" I ask Blake pulling on jeans "yeah I played on our ice hockey team at University" He says pulling on a pair of black jeans and my mouth drops at how gorgeous he is. "You know you could be a model" I say eyeing him feeling my insides throb from the feeling of needing him inside me. I can never get enough of have sex with Blake "I know you're watching me" He leans over and pulls me to him so I stand between his legs his face level with my heat. "Can we cancel ice skating and jus stay in" He asks looking up at me, I shake my head "Charlotte is meeting us plus she's bringing someone else with her" I say running my fingers through his hair and bringing my lips down to meet his. "Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" Blake asks me "I think this is a new one" I say stepping out of his hold and making my way out of our bedroom and Blake follows.

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