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I just dropped Jasmine off at her place and I am almost back at the parking lot when my phone ringing flashing Jasmine's number and I don't hesitate. I pick up and all I can hear is crying on the end of the line. "Jasmine, what's wrong?" nothing more crying "Jasmine you are freaking me out here, what's happened?" She tells me and I freeze, my stomach drops and I steer the steering wheel fast my tires protesting my movements "Jasmine I'm coming back, lock all doors and windows" I say putting my foot down on the accelerator "Layla's on her way over here" Oh good she has someone coming before I get there. "Tell Layla everything that has happened so far and if you want you can tell her about us because I don't want to be the blame for your tears" I say. I hear a knock at her door and I can tell she's scared. "Jasmine it will be okay that's probably Layla I'll be with you soon" then I hang up. I notice traffic up ahead so I take another way wanting to get to her as fast as I could. 

I arrive at Jasmine's in record time and get out and knock on the door, Layla answers "Hey Blake" She says and looks over her shoulders then next thing I know Jasmine runs into my arms and crying into my neck, I kiss the top of her head and stroke her back in a calming way I know how. "Show me the text message" I say and Layla brings over the phone and I stare at it the anger running through my veins. "This is some crazy shit going on, why didn't you tell me sooner Jasmine" Layla asks looking at her friend "you were busy with your new fella and I didn't want to worry you" She says eyes rimmed with tears. "Do you two still want to go to lunch?" I ask them both and they nod "well why don't I call Jason me and him can join you for lunch that is if you want" I look at Jasmine wiping a tear away from her cheek, they nod Layla really not saying anything to disagree so I ring my best friend. I make up some story that I bumped into Jasmine and Layla in town and invited me to lunch, he agreed to help me out. "Right Jasmine go and get ready for lunch I am sure Layla will help you with make-up, hair whatever it takes, then I will drop you off find some place to park then meet you back before Jason arrives" I say laying out the plan they agree and Jasmine leaves my arms and I go and turn on the tv whilst she gets ready. 

twenty minutes late Jasmine comes down in a wrap dress, long cardigan and black leather boots that go up to her thigh, I let my eyes travel down her body and stand walking over to her switching off the tv and placing my hands on her hips and I bring my lips to her giving her a long sweet kiss pressing my erection into her stomach. She smiles against my lips "come on guys we need to get moving if this plan is going to work" Layla says from the front door. "whose car we taking?" She asks "Mine" I simply reply and unlock the Ford Mustang. Leaving Layla's car here means that she can drink and then it looks like they got a cab to The Ivory. 

The four of us are now sitting at the table I'm opposite Jason, sitting next to Jasmine itching to place my hand on her bare thigh. "So man what you up to now a days it's been a while since I last saw you" I say taking a sip of my coffee letting my leg brush against Jasmines, "Jason smiles yeah sorry man I've been kind of busy, seeing someone but also I got promoted to head Chef at the restaurant they are allowing me to change the menu to some of my own creations" He says looking of himself. I see Layla smile at him sweetly and give him a quick peck on the lips whilst Jasmine is looking around the restaurant slightly panicky. "You okay Jasmine?" I whisper in her ear I look in her eyes and they are huge with fear she shakenly hands me her phone and I see Unknown number and I open the text "You look beautiful Jasmine that dress, your body but I don't like who you are with and that makes me mad. R" "Excuse me I need to make a call" I say handing Jasmine back her phone she takes my hand stopping me from going anywhere "don't go, don't leave me please Blake" She whispers and it breaks my heart so I stay seated. Layla looks over and can tell something has happened "Jasmine shall we go and powder our noses and let the boys order for us" She says offering her hand and Jasmine nods and takes it and they head to the ladies room. "Is my Sister okay?" Jason asks watching as the women go "I think it's that time you know, once a month every month" I say and I watch Jason scrunch up his nose. "Anyway congratulations on the job man you deserve it" I say and we lift our coffee cups. "So has Jasmine settled in okay in your office?" Jason asks me "she is the best" I respond smiling. "that's good to hear and thanks again" He says. "are you ready to order or would you like to wait a little longer?" The waiter asks pouring us some champagne then filling over his notepad "The girls said we could order without them" Jason says as I study the menu of what I think Jasmine may like. "Can I have eggs benedict on a whole-wheat muffin with a side of bacon and sausage" I say then point to the empty chair next me to "she will have scrambled egg on whole-wheat muffin with a side of bacon and sausage" I look up at him. Jason orders the same for Layla and orders an English fry up "could we get a fresh fruit salad for the table" I say before the waiter disappears. He nods and walks away when Jasmine and Layla return. 

The four of us chat about everything and anything our food arrives and it is mouth watering, the eggs benedict was cooked to perfection. I notice Jasmine hasn't really touched her food she's still freaked out from those text messages. Why hasn't the Police arrested this bastard yet, this poor woman is living in a nightmare until he is behind bars or the restraining order is in place. I place my hand on Jasmine thigh giving her small gentle strokes with my thumb hoping to calm her nerves, her legs are pressed together and she shifts ever so slightly in her chair closer to me. Jason are Layla are in their own little bubble talking in hushed tones but I notice their hands slide away from the table and onto each others leg. The waiter returns with our tab and I swipe it before Jason can protest. "My treat" I say as I dig out my wallet slightly leaning into Jasmine who is looking out of the window and bring out my credit card. I pay for brunch and we head out "who fancies catching a movie" Layla asks us and I look at Jasmine and Jason "sounds like fun but I don't have a clue what's on" Jason says then he digs out his phone and has a look.

We decided to go with a film called I still believe which to me sounds more like a chick flick but I can tell from just looking at Jason and Layla they want to make out in the dark. I want to cuddle Jasmine but I keep my hands to myself. "I'll buy the tickets" Layla says as we queue up "why don't you boys go and buy us some popcorn and drinks" Layla says Jasmine hasn't really spoken much since leaving The Ivory and she keeps looking around "Jasmine are you going to be okay?" I ask looking into her eyes showing her how concerned I am. "yes I'll be fine go" She says in a small voice "don't worry Blake I'll make sure nothing happens to my bestie" Layla says placing her arm around Jasmine's waist and I nod. I can't keep Jason in the dark much longer because this is getting way out of my control but I can't not today.  Me and Jason queue for popcorn and sodas. "So man are you seeing anyone?" Jason asks me out of the blue "whoa! straight into the deep stuff" I joke "no seriously man, you've been single since everything went down with Alice" Jason says looking at me "yeah man I have but I prefer it that way you know she kind of broke me to the point I can't see myself with anyone" I say skirting around that what I really want is to be with his sister. "Oh mate I completely forgot to ask you how is your Mum doing? I could cook her something real special" Jason says completely changing all subjects. "Mum has started her treatment but it's early days Dad sent me a picture of her attached to the machines, I can tell her hair is starting to fall out" My voice cracks then we are at the front of the line when Layla and Jasmine pop up neck to us. "I'm sorry I'm not being great company today" She whispers standing so close to me wanting to take my hand in hers but I can't not till I've spoken to Jason. 

We find our seats in the darken cinema, we walked in just as they were starting to show trailers for up and coming films. I notice Layla had separated me and Jasmine from her and Jason. I guess I was right they did just want to make out in the dark but hiding this from Jasmine is just going to hurt her. Me and Jasmine are in the middle row right on the end, we take our seats with the popcorn tucked into her arm and I place the sodas into the cup holders and we sit back. I constantly look at Jasmine out of the corner of my eye and take her hand in mine, I bend my head and kiss her knuckles. She looks up and smiles at me maybe we can save the day after all, She leans over so we are eye to eye "thank you Blake for everything, for being there for me when I need you most" She whispers and places the lightest of kiss on my lips. "Jasmine I will do anything for you and I mean anything" I reply looking into her beautiful blue eyes, our foreheads touch and I close my eyes. I miss her closeness, I just want her to sit in my lap and push all her worries away, come tomorrow I want answers from everyone handling this case. 

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