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I fall asleep against Blake's chest after the most amazing first date and the sex between is unreal it's like we were meant to be together, our bodies fit together perfectly and now it's Sunday morning and I have to leave Blake behind but I don't want to that is why I asked him about bowling later on in the day because I just want to see him. I had to make him bring Jason along or otherwise it would be too weird me, him and Layla. 

I roll onto my back and look up at Blake's ceiling, I hear some singing in the kitchen and I get out and throw on one of Blake's t-shirts and open the door. He is cooking butt naked in the kitchen belting out to the song on the radio. I watch from the doorway biting my lip. He flips some pancakes and catches them with no problem. He turns around to plate the pancakes then he notices me watching him "I was going to bring these to you in bed" He says and I walk towards him and sit at the kitchen bar, I jump slightly as my naked bum hits the cold plastic of the chair. "Would you like strawberries, sugar, lemon juice or chocolate spread?" He asks me offering the different toppings. "Chocolate spread please" I ask and he hands it over kissing my wrist, then we dig in, these pancakes are mouth watering. 

We have shower sex again don't worry I packed my pills so I am all good and I should be getting another month supply coming in the post this week thank god.  I pack my bag again feeling sad to say goodbye to his place but I am sure I will be back. I look at Blake who is dressed in dark jeans and hoody. How can he make anything look so hot on him, I pull on my jumper dress and pair of leggings and boots. "Do I look okay?" I ask him "Jasmine you look gorgeous in anything" He says coming up behind me hugging me, kissing my neck. "Lets go" He says and I sigh knowing it had to come to an end. "So I will see you later?" I ask looking in to his eyes, he bends down and picks up my bag and we head out of the penthouse and down to the car park garage. "Which one is yours" I ask him looking at the row of cars "the Ford Mustang" He says casually. I lift a brow shocked that he can afford it, he chuckles "Jasmine I can afford the car" He says unlocking it and opening the door for me, I slide into the leather seat. Blake closes the door and slides some shades on and that just makes him even hotter than before. He brings the car into drive and pulls out of the garage. 

We arrive back at mine and he gets out my bag out and I go and unlock my door, "So I will see you later?" Blake asks me pulling me to him by my hips and plasters a lasting kiss on my lips "I'll text you" I say and he heads back to his car. I lock the door behind him and text Layla to let her know that I am home and I will be ready in twenty minutes. "I'll come by and pick you up" "okay thank you". I then get a text message from an unknown number "Jasmine you may try and stop me getting close to you but we are meant to be together. You will be mine and I will show you that I can make you so happy ;) R" I drop my phone and run to my bathroom locking the door "Shit!" I shout out loud, I unlock the door and grab my phone again and dial Blake's number tears falling down my cheeks. 

"Jasmine missing me already?" He jokes I cry down the phone "Jasmine you're freaking me out what's wrong baby" "Blake I've just recieved a text message from Rick, when will this nightmare end?" I cry harder "Shit I'm on my way back to you, lock all doors and windows then wait for me" He says I can hear the wheels of the tire screech in protest. "Blake, Layla is coming over here" I say wiping my eyes with the back of my sleeve of my jumper dress. There's a knock at my door and I jump out of my skin "hurry Blake please" I whisper "baby I'm on my way. I'm going to call the Police to see what the hold up on the restraining order" "Jasmine it's me" Layla shouts and I go and unlock the door. Blake is still on the phone "Jasmine hang up and tell Layla everything or she is going to think you crying is to do with me" Blake says then he disconnects the phone. "Jasmine what's happened?" She asks me as I open the door wider so she can come through. "You know I had a work colleague who I only spoke to once" I begin the story that I told the Police, "well he started sending me emails, then I recieved flowers and a card after he got fired, begging me to go on a date with him, I find out that he has kept a record rating all the women at work with me being at the top" I stop and take a breather "you following so far" I ask looking at a confused looking Layla she nods so I continue "anyway I was so freaked out on Friday that I ended up staying with Blake Friday and Saturday night then he dropped me off and next thing I get this" I show her the text message I just got. "Blake is on his way back here" I say and Layla is sitting at my kitchen bar "your sleeping with your Boss?" She asks me "you know I've always had a crush on Blake" I say "but yes we are sleeping together and sort of dating but Jason doesn't know apparently they made some pact ten years ago about not being allowed to date each others sister but Sam is gay so Jason doesn't have to worry" I say "I want to talk to Jason about Blake though" I say "Jasmine my lips are sealed I will not tell your Brother, you two have a close relationship and I don't want to ruin that but talk to him before he finds out" She says and I nod then there's a knock at my door and I jump again so Layla goes and answers. 

"Hello Blake" She says and looks over her shoulder at me and I jump up and run into his arms and cry into his neck, he strokes my back. "It's going to be okay Jasmine, does Layla know everything" He asks as he looks at Layla and she nods. "Do you still want to go to lunch?" He asks the two of us. "I really do it's been a while since I've spent time with Layla" I say looking at my best friend "then how about I get Jason over here and we make lunch for four instead of two" He suggests. I nod I haven't seen my Brother in a while, I haven't been a good sister to him lately especially with all that is going on with this Rick situation. Blake digs out his phone and dials Jason's number. "Hey Man" he says I stay cuddled in Blake's arms whilst he speaks to my Brother "you up to much?" He asks him and waits for his answer "well you never guess who I just bumped into" he says and I look up at him and he gives me a wink whilst Layla watches on. "your sister and her best friend they invited me to join them for lunch but I don't want to be the only dude so will you help me out" He asks, I roll my eyes and Layla laughs. "sure thing man I'll let them text you the location see you in a bit" then he hangs up "okay one of you has to text him and let him know the details" He says looking at Layla directly "Jasmine go and freshen up and change I'll wait here and we all go into town you guys jump out and I'll find somewhere to park and meet you hopefully I will get there before Jason" Blake says kissing the top of my head and then steps away and goes and sits on the couch. Layla will you help me get ready?" I ask my best friend. 

twenty or so minutes later I have changed my outfit into a wrap dress and long cardigan, the dress hugs my hips and shows a hint of cleavage just to make Blake sweat a little bit. I pull on some tall leather boots that go up my thigh. "damm girl are you trying to get Blake to jump you in front of your Brother?" Layla asks me looking me up and down "is it too much?" I ask her "no girl it's perfect Blake is a very lucky guy" She says "so you going to tell me what the sex is like with your Boss?" She says smirking digging for dirt. "just one word orgasmic" I say then I walk out leaving Layla stunned she runs after me "you mean he's made you orgasm every time?" She whispers making sure Blake can't hear us. I nod biting my lip stopping myself from smiling so wide. Layla lets out a low whistle "well done Blake then" She mutters. 

Blake stands up as we enter turning off the tv and looks me up and down taking in every detail. "wow Jasmine you look amazing" He say and comes over placing his hands on my hips pulling my body to him and presses his lips to mine and our tongues slide over one another. "okay you two I am all for this but we have a plan in place and it would be very suspicious if none of us are there when Jason arrives" Layla says as she opens my front door and steps outside. "It's going to drive me crazy not to be able to touch you like this and kiss you, but I have to control myself but you need to wear this outfit Monday for sure" He says kissing my nose, pressing his erection into my stomach so I got a feel of whatever I wear he wants me. "Come on" I say and take his hand. Blake unlocks his car and Layla wolf whistles "We are arriving in style" Layla says in the back as I sit in the front with Blake, my hand rests on his thigh. 

The plan works Blake drops us off to find a place to park then comes back just as Jason turns the corners and sees us waiting for me. Blake and Jason hug one another, then hugs me then Layla last. "You look nice sis" Jason says approving my outfit choice "thank you Jason" I reply "Shall we ladies" Blake opens the door of The Ivory bowing slightly and we giggle whilst Jason shakes his head. "Table for four" I say to the waiter who greets up "follow me" He says in a deep voice, he takes us to a table "so how we going to do this?" I ask looking at the three of them "Well why don't you and Blake sit together and I'll sit next to Jason" Layla says we all nod and take our seats. My phone buzzes in my purse and I get it out to look at it Unknown number again "You look beautiful Jasmine that dress, your body but I don't like who you are with and that makes me mad. R" I pale and look around the place seeing if I can spot him anywhere.

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