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Today as been a weird sort of day not having Blake around the office but I kept myself busy, it was so nice to receive that picture message this morning and now I know what body Blake has I can't clearly focus on toady. 

Taylor picked me up at 8.30 this morning with coffee cup in hand, that car over the road has been there all night, it hasn't moved I push it to the back of my mind because there is bigger stuff going on rather than noticing a car that hasn't moved. "Good morning Taylor" I say as I double lock my front door and reach for my coffee cup he is holding out to me. "Good morning Jasmine, was Blake okay last night?" Taylor asks all serious as he opens the car door for me, "I think so I left because he needed to be with his parents and Sister and it wasn't my place to stay longer than needed too" I say as I slide into my seat and buckle up and Taylor slides in behind the wheel. "Just so you know Jasmine you bring out a different side to Blake that I don't see every often and it's nice to see" He says as he places the car into reverse and backs out of my driveway.  "What was Blake like at Uni then Taylor" I ask sipping my coffee, Blake had mentioned that Jason, Taylor and Blake were close at Uni and shared a house with one other guy who they now don't keep in touch with. Taylor chuckles and gives a small smile "Your Brother was a real player at Uni you know, a different girl every couple of months" I screw up my nose in disgust "I do not want to hear about Jason's sex life thank you very much" "oh but I have one story to tell you and you can hold on it" Taylor says as we hit a red light and the traffic sitting in front of us. "Okay" I say looking out the window "It must have been valentine day or something me and Blake got told to be out of the house for most of the day so we both hit the University gym, we came back to the house and let ourselves in quietly as there was candles flickering in your Brothers bedroom, next thing we saw was your Brother stark naked running through the house holding a pair of boxer shorts that had caught fire" I let out a laugh. "what did Blake do" I ask calming down. "He just stood shocked and slowly backed up the stairs we had both seen your Brother's meat and two veg shall I say" I cringe at the thought and place my head in my hands. "Blake never brought a girl back to the house from that day on and to be honest I don't know if he did actually date anyone he kind of kept that stuff to himself you know" He says flicking his eyes to me then back to the road. I look out the window and see the office building approaching. "Thank you Taylor" I say as we pull to a stop and I reach for the door but Taylor is there opening it for me. "I will pick you up at 6 like Blake has told me" Taylor says "you sure Taylor I can always get a cab" I say "No Jasmine Blake wants you to be safe and I would prefer to be the one to pick you up" Taylor says looking at me with a small smile. "Okay I will see you at six" I grab my bag and head inside. 

I reach my desk and there is a man standing there who I have not met before, He is the same height as Blake maybe a few years older I am not sure, blonde hair, brown eyes and thin lips, I could smell smoke on his suit jacket. I notice a wedding band on his ring finger "Hi Jasmine right? I'm Blaine Blake's business partner" He sticks out a hand and we shake "Hi, yes I've heard about you, you dealt with the other situation not so long ago right involving an ex-employee" I say sitting behind my desk digging out my list for today and starting up my computer. He nods "yes it was a long time coming firing that piece of shit, he had it coming I am just glad Blake realised how serious it can be" He says I look at him and smile "Blake is brilliant at his job" I say defending him, Blaine laughs "I know that, he created all this" He say waving his hand around the space that is this floor. "So you know why he isn't here today" He says turning serious all of a sudden. "Yes I was there when his Dad told him, we left shortly afterwards" I say returning my eyes to the email icon. "We?" Blaine asks "It's in my contact that wherever Blake goes I go along with him" I say without looking up wishing this conversation was over. "Okay, I am going to tell the staff that Blake is off and they need to come to me with any issues" Blaine says then turns and walks towards to lift. Once he is gone I get out my phone and send Blake a text, a few hours have passed then my phone vibrates with Blake's name flashing across the screen. I smile and my stomach twists into nervous butterflies, I miss him more than I should I miss his smile, his eyes and his lips. I get a ping in my inbox from Charlotte asking if I want to go out for lunch today to the local sandwich place around the corner. I get off the phone to Blake and I smile and flick back to my phone gallery at the picture he sent me, the deep V at his hips, his happy trail leading to under the waistband of the top of his boxers, I let my eyes travel up his six pack muscles not an ounce of fat to be seen, his broad shoulders finally looking at his gorgeous face and those chocolate brown eyes. I know I am pressing my knees together trying to stop the dampness between my thighs but it's not working I am so turned on by a picture of Blake, my cheeks flush as now it's time for lunch.  

Lunch was great it is so easy to talk to Charlotte and we didn't talk about Rick, Blake got mentioned a couple of times but that was Charlotte just talking about how hot her Boss is and I only nod because I can't let her know we have kissed because I don't know what me and Blake are yet. It is now 6 and I am shutting down my computer, putting my stuff in my bag and I head for the lift, I didn't see Blaine for the rest of the day and I was happy about that. My phone vibrated "Outside the building Jasmine" I smile he is never late is Taylor, the lift is half full when I step inside and I watch the doors close tilting my head side to side. The doors open and I walk out seeing Taylor waiting for me. "Goodnight Jasmine" Claire the receptionist calls. "Goodnight Claire" I wave back and push the door, Taylor opens the door for me and Blake is sitting inside "Surprise"  He says smiling I am shocked he's here "I thought you wanted Taylor to pick you up at 8" I say taking in him "well I couldn't be without you for much longer" He says leaning across and pressing his lips to mine and I welcome the feeling of his lips on mine allowing his tongue to cover mine. I pull back slightly "I missed you today, how is your Mum, Dad? and importantly how are you?" I ask him pressing my forehead to his inhaling his scent. "I'm okay, dealing with it and sorted out the best treatment for my Mum, Dad hasn't said much but I had a good chat with Sam" He says taking my hand in his. "Do you want to come back to mine" I say looking into his dark brown eyes. "I would really like that" He says smiling giving me another kiss and I smile against his lips. 

We arrive back at mine and I feel happy the car across the road is not there I shudder "you okay Jasmine?" He asks me stroking my lower back I look at him "yeah there was a car that was parked across the road last night and was there this morning when Taylor came to pick me up this morning" Blake looks over his shoulder "it's not there now" I say as I unlock the door and step inside and Blake follows me into the kitchen coming up behind me bringing his arms around my waist and kissing the side of my neck, pushing my bum into his erection. "Someone is happy to see me" I say turning round and bringing my hands to the back of his neck stroking his hair and he lets out a low moan. "God that feels so good" He says into the side of neck, "want to stay for dinner?" I ask him "what are you thinking?" He asks me "well I am not a very good cook so I was thinking pasta and meatballs" I say smiling "there's wine in the fridge" I ask as I step out of his hold and start to put water into a pan and turn on the heat. Blake opens up my fridge and brings out the bottle of white wine "where are the glasses kept?" He asks me opening all cupboards I lift my chin, and point to the last cupboard he hasn't opened and I go back to chopping onions, peppers to the meatballs. "Go and sit down Blake you look tired" I say looking at the handsome man in my kitchen my heart banging against my chest I like having Blake here and it feels so good. I watch him as he makes his way around my kitchen and then he sits down, I walk around and close the curtains taking a quick look across nothing there so I close the curtains and return to Blake who is now adding the sauce, suit jacket handing on the back of one of the kitchen chairs. 

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