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Wow just had the most amazing office sex ever twice once me sitting in my chair and her riding me and the other was her bending over my desk and I was fucking her from behind. I was so close to moaning I love you to her but I held back those words I want it to be the right time and when we are most comfortable. 

Now it is Saturday and we are off Christmas Tree shopping with Jason and Layla, Jasmine is bouncing with excitement and it's so cute to watch. I am dressed in a long dark grey coat, dark blue jeans, hoody and my Timberlands. Jasmine emerges from the bedroom in a long puffer coat, pink jumper dress, thick tights and timberlands too. "I can't believe you've never had a real tree before" Jasmine says bringing her arms around the back of my neck stroking my hair looking into my eyes. "Well I guess this is my first and I am happy to spend it with you, I want a lot of firsts with you Jasmine" I say running my nose along hers. "I want a lot of firsts with you too but we must get going the Christmas tree won't come here by it's self" She winks and drops her arms and interlinks our fingers and every time she does that the electricity runs through us both and I place my free hand against her cheek, bringing her lips to mine. 

Jason and Layla wait outside wrapped up warm cuddling one another and looking so in love I need to ask him when the right time to say the three words I want to hear. We step out of the lift and I push open the door. "Morning Jason, Layla" I say pulling on my gloves New York is cold this time of year. "Jasmine, Blake we have some news" Layla says sipping her hot chocolate, Jasmine looks at her Brother and best friend "we're expecting! 8 weeks" Layla says looking at Jason smiling "OH MY GOD!" Jasmine screams and hugs both Jason and Layla "that is amazing new congratulations man" I say hugging him and then hugging Layla. "Thank you we are only telling the people we truly love" Layla says. "Do Mum and Dad know?" Jasmine asks kind of bouncing excitement radiates off her. "No we were thinking of telling them Christmas day with a grandparent card" Jason says hugging Layla from behind placing his hands onto her stomach which was still mainly flat. 

Taylor brings the SUV to the front and gets out and I get behind the wheel as I want to drive, Jasmine sits at the front next to me, Jason and Layla sit in the middle and Taylor follows on behind just as an extra pair of hands really. "So do you want a boy or girl?" Jasmine asks as she turns around looking back and forth between Jason and Layla. I turn the music up as the classic Christmas songs play. Jasmine starts to sing along and she has a lovely voice, I place my hand on her thigh till I have to move it to shift gears then its straight back to her thigh.

It doesn't take long to arrive at the farm, snow is falling onto the ground and the threes are covered in snow I find a place to park and Taylor parks next to us. "It's beautiful here" Jasmine says as she gets out of the car and looks around. I feel so happy I could do this for her, this year as been testing with Mum's cancer, her dad's heart attack, Rick stalking her. Layla places her head on Jason's shoulder taking in the smell of fresh pine and snow. "Blake do you remember that amazing whole campus snow fight we had freshman year" Jason says rubbing Layla's back whilst looking at me smiling. I look back at the memory it was frat house who planned a snowball fight against our rivals and it then turned into a whole campus madness. The memory brings a smile to my lips "I will snowball fight you" I say giving him a nudge as we head to sign in there's a hut near by that sells mulled wine, hot chocolate and coffees. The guy explains that we go and walk along the trees and tie a ribbon about the one we like to take home. "Jasmine baby you ready to find the perfect tree?" I ask digging my hands into my pockets.  "Layla, Jason do you want to come with us or sit in the car" I ask looking at my best friend and his girlfriend. 

Jason and Layla walk away heading to the car Taylor holding back following them at a distance he is like a bodyguard when we need him to but I trust him one hundred percent. We walk hand and hand looking at row after row of trees till I see the perfect tree that would look great in mine and Jasmine's home "how about this one baby?" I say standing next to a six footer smiling, Jasmine walks over, walks around it and smiles "it's perfect" She says and ties the ribbon around the  base the guy comes over and picks it up for us and takes it to our car. "picked a nice and bushy one there mate" Jason says smiling and I burst out laughing Jasmine raises a brow and shakes her head smiling as her hair is falling over her face. 

The guy ties the tree to the roof and then we drive to Target to look at decorations and Christmas lights. "It's starting to feel like Christmas now" Jasmine says smiling "Jasmine's favourite time of year is Christmas Blake get use to it" Layla says smiling at her best friend. I shake my head "what have I let myself in for?" I say jokingly and squeeze Jasmine's thigh and she sticks her tongue out at me. I find a parking space near the front of the store Taylor parks in the row behind us and we file out. I take Jasmine's hand in mine and walk towards the door. "Shall we spilt up?" Jason asks "I want to check out the baby bits" Layla says placing her hand over her stomach, Jason looks at Layla with such love. "Okay so say see you at the tills in an hour" I say looking at Layla and Jason "Yeah mate see you there" Jason says and then they leave pushing a trolley. "I can't believe my Brother is going to become a Daddy" Jasmine says smiling as we start to push our own trolley. "Jasmine!" Charlotte comes rushing up and hugging Jasmine not realising I am standing next to her. "Charlotte so great to see you" Jasmine hugs her back then stands I place one hand around her waist, kissing the top of her head. "Charlotte nice to see you" I say being polite "Mr Forest I didn't see you there" She says embarrassed I laugh "Charlotte it's fine" I smile "please call me Blake Mr Forest makes me sound so old now". "Of course Blake" She says smiling "I need to go and find the Christmas aisle" I say into Jasmine's head. "You two do look so good together are you going to make it official at the Christmas Ball" Charlotte says looking at us both. "I guess that is a good plan" I say looking at Charlotte taking that Jasmine told her about us. "I better go I left my boyfriend in the technology aisle" Charlotte says and leaves us. 

I have a feeling that we are being followed around the store I keep looking over my shoulder but nothing so I shake my head. Jasmine looks at me "you okay" She asks me placing a hand on my face I turn and kiss it smiling. "I am, looking forward to just being with you" I say pulling her body close to mine and kiss her lips. We find the Christmas aisle and I let Jasmine go to town picking up bauble balls, tinsel, a star and lights. We head to the tills where we see Jason and Layla waiting for us. 

"So are you coming back to ours to help decorate the tree?" Jasmine asks as I swipe my credit card to pay for the purchases. "No Layla is feeling tired and she needs to rest thank you for today" Jason says I turn to hug him and then Layla goodbye "Taylor will take you home" I say looking at Taylor. There is a guy at the end till looking at us, he has a couple of days growth on his chin and he has his hat pulled down low but he doesn't approach till he digs out his phone. I watch him then she Jasmine take out her phone and her face pales luckily Jason and Layla have gone. "Jasmine what is it" I ask hoping it's not the guy I noticed she hands me her phone it's from Charlotte "Just to give you a heads up, I have just bumped into Rick here and to let you know he is wearing all black and baseball cap. Keep your eyes peeled please I am looking out for you x" I let out a sigh it's from Charlotte but now I know that the guy is Rick I look over to where he was and he's gone shit!!. 

We head home and I bring the tree into the apartment and place it in the place where we made space in the lounge. I am not fully relaxed yet knowing the fact that Rick was in Target when we were, on a positive note he did not approach but I couldn't really get a good look at him which pissed me off massively. I want the bastard behind bars and leave me and Jasmine alone to our happiness, she deserves to be happy. 

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