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I roll over and snooze my alarm, then my phone rings I rub my eyes and stretch and moan. I look at the called and swipe up to answer the call "are you awake dear sister of mine?" Bless Jason "yes my alarm just went off" I say still half asleep. "Look I know the interview is for a personal assistant but Blake is my best friend and I think you would be a good fit for him" Jason says. Ah Blake Forest my brother's best friend, I've always fancied him and so did most of my friends from school I mean He was tall, handsome and muscular, deep brown eyes and tanned skin. Maybe he is married with kids now but I can not ask Jason that question because I am sure he thinks its weird crushing on my brother best friend. 

Time to get up as laying in bed is not helping, I get up grab my dressing gown and head for my en-suite bathroom. I love having my own bathroom my own privacy, having my Brother back home is lovely, deep down I knew that him and Lisa were not suitable she was too highly strung and controlling always wanting to know where he is and who is he with and my Brother is too laid back for his own good. Online dating or blind dating just do not work. I lock my bathroom door and step out of my pyjama shorts and tank top and turn on my shower, I step in once the temperature is perfect and I was my hair and body, realising that I need shave my legs, bikini line and under arms, I hate stubble at best of times I have to shave because I did not manage to book in for a wax and I prefer a wax to shaving. Once that is done I step out of the shower and apply vanilla body lotion to my long legs and blow dry my hair the best I can. I do not like wearing to much make up so I apply some mascara and gentle hint of foundation and blusher. I put on my grey pencil skirt and purple button down blouse. I look good for sure very business like. I check my smart watch and head downstairs. I need my coffee fix but I will get that at my favourite coffee shop, home coffee is not as good as a mocha from this place.  I slide my phone, purse and keys into my handbag and head for the door. I walk to the coffee shop and there is a queue to get in, all men in suits talking on their phones going about there business. The queue moves and I'm inside, I walk up to the counter and place my order and a croissant to go with it, I pay and go and sit down at a table in the corner and get out my phone looking at pictures of Blake Forest. My order is ready and someone brings it over. I play with my bracelet, nerves kicking in but now I have to go and run some errands. I get up and move towards the door. A tall gentleman opens the door, He is dressed in a very expensive suit with a navy blue tie and silver cufflinks. He lets me pass and I mutter a thank you, I do not have time to stop but I can feel his eyes on me as I walk away. I smile to myself this outfit I have on is the right decision. 

I arrive at Blake Forest real estate HQ with fifteen minutes to spare before my interview begins. My phone buzzes "Good luck Sis, you will ace this interview! believe in yourself  J x" I smile and slip my phone back in my bag and head towards the reception desk. "Hello I am here for an interview with Mr Blake Forest" I say smiling. "Please fill in the visitors section and I will give you a pass, he is on the tenth floor head to the lifts on the right hand side Blake knows you are here" She smiles back at me I see she has a name badge and it reads "Claire" "Thank you Claire" I sign in and walk towards the lifts. The nerves are really starting to kick in and now I have to wait. I sit on a chair outside the conference room I can see the door is closed so someone must be in there. I take a couple of deep breathes and then the door opens and a petite brunette walks out. I can see a man standing at the window his back to the door. I wait till its the time for my interview so I stand and gently knock on the door, he turns and takes a couple of strides and introduces himself. He doesn't recognise me at first "Jasmine Howard you know my brother Jason" as soon as I said that I get pulled into a hug and my god does he smell good, "Jasmine I did not recognise you. I mean you look great" He says smiling and closing the door. I take a seat at his table and he sits down next to me. He gives me this intense look and I can feel myself blushing. We discuss how University was for me and the latest relationship of my Brother heart break. We chat for what feels like ages before the interview begins. 

The interview is complete and we shake hands and stand he places him hand on my lower back. Inside my feelings are dancing 'Blake Forest is touching me' We both step into the lift together and stay silence on the way down to the lobby. I sign out and say thank you to Blake then I push the door to leave. I take a breathe one that I have been holding which I did not realise that I was and reached for my phone sending a quick text to my brother letting him know the interview is over. I then ring my best friends Layla. "Hey girl how you been?" She says down the phone. "I'm good thanks doll how are you? any jobs lined up your way?" She laughs "as if, and now being back home its driving me crazy I miss my independence of course" I laugh I know the feeling but Mum respects my space. "I had an interview with Blake Forest today" I casually drop "what! no way the hottest millionaire under 40" Layla says with surprise in her voice. "yeah he is best friends with my Brother" I say "what was he like? as good looking in real life?" Layla asks sighing. "yeah but actually better looking and age agrees with him" I say blushing. "Anyway Layla I've got to go and catch my train so I will text you later meet up for drinks Friday?" I ask heading for the train stations. "yeah just text me a time and place" then she hangs up. I swipe my debit card and walk to the platform. 

I get home unlocking the front door, I can smell a curry cooking, my brother is the chef in our family, I can't cook to save my life. "Something smells good" I say as I enter the kitchen pouring myself a glass of wine. "so how was Blake?" he asks adding stirring the sauce. "He was very professional" I say "he didn't recognise me at first" Jason laughs "I am meeting him Friday for drinks you want to join? Bring a friend?" He says without looking at me then he turns his back and finds a packet of rice and he places it in the microwave. "Dinner in 10" I move to the lounge and text Layla about drinks on Friday. "Hey Jason, I am bringing Layla to drinks but are you sure that Blake will be ok with us tagging along?" I call out. "sweet I like Layla" Jason calls back. 

Dinner was amazing Jason is so good it was not too spicy and it was nice sitting down with Mum, Dad and Jason. Dinner finishes and I head up stairs to get into my room and get into my pyjamas. I brush my teeth and get under the covers and dream of Blake Forest and what he can do to me, I lower my hand down my body and let it slide underneath my pyjama shorts and let my fingers rub against my clit. Blake's name is coming to the front of my lips and I work harder on myself till I am moaning his name as I come. After my orgasm I fall into a peaceful sleep. 

After Office Hours (Office romance)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum