Chapter Five :)

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Ashley short POV:

Okay so you must be thinking, 'Why is she all of a sudden in this story?' Well let me tell you why!

Niall was a broken kid, just absolutely torn apart. And he wouldn't let anyone in. I had to keep at it for a good four months until he actually opened up to me. Then about a week after I got most of the story, I was on my way to Niall's house when he texted me our safe word. We came up with it do that if he was having a problem at home I would drop everything and rush over to help him.

I was about five minutes away when he texted me the word and I just took off running. I got to Niall's house after two minutes and rushed inside. I found him in the living room, bruised, bloody and without pants.

To this day I can't seem to shake that image of my pretty much older brother like that. It seems like I'm exaggerating, but in all honesty, I don't think I can unsee what I saw that day. After that I made Ni move in with me and he's been so much better since then.

Now he's got the whole Louis situation and to be honest, I understand why he does all that stuff, but I don't think it's totally called for. But he needs to figure that out for himself. I can't tell him to do anything. But I can be there as a person to confuse in, and that's just what I always do. I just hope it's enough for now.

Zayn POV:





My phone won't stop buzzing with texts from Tyler. It's not that I don't want to talk to him, I'm just tired of . . . Okay, yeah I just don't want to talk to him. I don't think he understands that I'm in school at this time and just ugh.

But he's so cute! I can't say no to him. I sigh and look at my phone.

Tyler <3:

10:45- Hey beautiful :) -Tyler xx

10:45- How have you been sweetheart? :) -T xx

10:46- I hope you slept well :) -T xx

10:47- So we still on for tonight? -T xx

I sigh and text him back a yeah. I want to go to dinner again with Tyler, it's just Niall seems to be having problems and I want to help him. I looked up from where I was sitting to see Ashley and Niall get out of his car. Ashley looked about ready to cry and Niall was lost in his thoughts. Ashley walked over to him and wrapped her arms around Niall's neck and after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around her waist. They stood hugging like that for a good five minutes, and when they pulled away Ashley went to her friends and boyfriend. Niall didn't even look around for us, he just walked into the school.

Okay now I know something is up. Ni never goes straight to class! I get up and walk over to Ashley. I tap her shoulder and she turns to face me.

"Zayn? What is it?" She said sounding tired. I bet she was exhausted, she looked like she had just been crying, a lot in fact. "Ash, what is wrong with Nialler? He went straight to class and didn't even say hi to any of us!" She takes a deep breath an lets it out slowly. "Zayn, I can't tell you right now. Why don't you go talk to him? He needs to talk to you even if he doesn't know it." I nod my head and walk off yelling thanks over my shoulder.

I saunter into class and sit right next to Niall. He doesn't even acknowledge me, just stares at his phone until I take it from his hands. Then he finally looks up and stares into my eyes, looking dejected and slightly sad.

"Nialler! What's wrong babe?" He just shakes his head and his eyes fill with tears. If Niall is crying there is something horribly wrong. I got up and grabbed his hand before rushing to the closest bathroom. Once we're inside I spin his to face me and look his straight in the eyes.

"Okay, spill now. What has gotten The Great Niall Horan to cry?" He just shakes his head again and falls into my arms, sobbing. I wrap my arms around his waist and stroke his hair softly. I need to figure out what made Ni cry like this, and I'm gonna beat whoever did this.


Anyhooooo! I was to dedicate this chappie to SoloNiall_LikeaPolo because she made this awesome cover! :) Thanks! :D

So next dedication goes to the cutest/funniest comment! :)

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now