Chapter One :)

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Zayn POV:

Okay, so I've known Niall for six years. He is my best friend and I would do anything for him. In simpler terms I love him. I've loved him since the sixth month of our friendship. Now I know what you're thinking 'Zayn, you're the dumbest person ever! Niall would never go for you!' And yeah I know that, but ya know, unrequited love is the hardest to ignore.

I would defiantly date Ni, but I'm scared to. I mean he's a player for god sakes! He's dated everyone in our group at one time or another! Harry, Liam, Josh, Maz, Andy and even Sean! Sean of all people! And now he's dating Louis. I'm not mad thats he's dating Lou, I'm just nervous for Lou when Niall breaks up with him. Lou wears his heart on his sleeve and when he falls, he falls hard. I just know that when Ni ends 'Nouis' that Lou is going to be utterly destroyed.

You want to know something else weird about our group? Nobody cares that we date each other! Like Maz and Sean are currently together, Harry and Liam are trying to get the other to notice their feelings (without much success) and Josh and Andy have been steady for a while now. But me, lonely me is just ninth-wheeling on group outings and I'm almost to my breaking point.


I walked from the parking lot into the mall. I needed time alone and a break from all the happy couples. I knew the only thing to make me happier and forget about my problems was a good shopping spree. Yes I know I sound like a girl, but a guy's gotta look good!

I saunter into a cool looking store with leather and varsity jackets. Both of those are the only jackets that I actually wear. I grabbed a few varsity jackets and a really badass looking leather jacket. I went to pay for them and the cashier caught my eye. He was about 5' 7" and was gorgeous! His skin was tan and smooth, his eyes were a breathtaking green (much more green that Harry's), and his hair was obviously dyed blonde because you could see the brown roots, but he was perfect.

I walk up and set my items down for him to scan. He looks over at me and smiles widely.

"Good choices! These are our most popular items and we have to order new ones almost every week!" He smiles at me again, showing off his pearly whites.

"Thanks, I really like these ones! They are just perfect for my style and I needed new ones because all my others are getting small." I say with a small pout. He laughed and winked at me. I blushed and took my items that were in a bag.

"Are you free tonight?" He says looking at me. I nod my head and he grins and hands me a piece of paper. I take it and look at it.

'Meet me at Nando's at 7:30 tonight. ;) -Tyler xx'

And at the bottom was his number. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I'll be there. My name's Zayn by the way."

"Well Zayn, I will see you in 3 hours." He winked again and I blushed, hard.

"It's a date!"

Then I turned around and walked to my house to get ready.


Someone has just told me that Tyler should be played by Tyler Oakley, and I'm perfectly okay with that so Tyler = Tyler Oakley (minus the eyes obvi)

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ