Chapter Eighteen :)

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Niall POV:

I sit in the chair next to Ashley's bed. I didn't even think before I ran here after what Sasha said. I just ran, knowing that if I knew who it was, I would beat the living shit out of them. And I knew Ashley and Zayn would not be happy with me, so I just left and came straight here. Ashley is the one person I can go to for support and even though she isn't conscious, I can almost hear her telling me what to do and all the things that I need to hear but don't want to are spilling out of her mouth. She's so blunt with things, but it's mostly for the best, I mean I don't mind it, but she says it in a way that clicks. Then you get what you should do or how to fix something.


A girl walks into the room about three hours after I had arrived and she just sat on the other side of Ashley. I looked at her and she looked really familiar, where had I seen her before? She looked up at me and smiled softly, "Hey Niall. I bet you don't remember me? Brittany, I used to go to school with Ashley before I had to move to the next state in grade six. I'm visiting my family that lives here and heard Ash was here and couldn't stay away."

"Brittany?! Oh gosh how are you? It's been a while. I can't believe the time you get back to visit, Ashley's in the hospital. That really blows." She nods and shrugs as if to say 'what can you do?'. I smile and squeeze Ashley's hand, in hopes of a reaction, but I don't get anything. Just limpness like always. I sigh and Brittany looks at my sympathetically before she takes Ashley's other hand. We both sit in silence before the four guys burst in. Brittany jumped and sighed in relief when she saw it was just the boys.

"Brittany?!" Zayn all but shouted, "How have you been? It's been what? About five years now! What're you doing here?" Brittany giggles and waves to Zayn. He rushes over and hugs her. I pout when he looks over at me, which he just laughs and waltzes over to me and plops on my lap. "Well hello there handsome. You look mighty fine, are you taken?" Zayn winks at me and I burst out laughing. He just grins and wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my cheek. I pout, sticking my lips out so he would kiss them. He laughed and pecked my lips, looking at Ashley after.

"Are you guys finally together?" Brittany asks. I look up in surprise, and raised my eyebrow at her. She giggles and explains, "You guys have always been close and I knew even in grade six that you guys would be together in the future. You guys are cute. But Lirry is cuter."

"Lirry?!" Liam yelps and we all chuckle.

"Chill Liam, it's yours and Harry's ship name. Now go snog your boyfriend." I say laughing slightly. Liam blushes a bright red and hides his face in Harry's shoulder. Every one laughs and then we transfer our attention to Ashley. We sit there for an hour or so, quiet, not daring to say anything.

"Ashley baby, c'mon babe, I need you to wake up. Please baby girl, I need you to wake up, c'mon, babe please." I feel a tear slip out as the last word I speak makes my voice crack. I bite my lip to prevent all other tears from falling, but a few slip out, sliding down my cheeks until they hit my shirt. Zayn hugs me tightly and I sob into his shoulder. He just lets me cry until I feel better.

I hope she gets better soon.


Sorry it's story and terrible! :( I've had no inspararion for this chapter and wrote this in four hours. I won't update for a week maybe because I'm going on vacation and I don't know if the hotel has wifi. I love you guys! :) don't hate me too much!

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang