Chapter Sixteen :)

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Niall POV:

Now that Zayn knows about my parents, there is a huge weight off of my shoulders. I feel like I can breathe and I don't have any secrets from my boyfriend any more. Zayn, I know, was shocked but he took it really well. I woke up the next morning, completely unsure as to how I slept through yesterday. I glanced over to see Zayn, sound asleep, and decided to go get breakfast for us. I got out of bed, put some clothes on, brushed my teeth and hair and grabbed my phone and wallet. I walked outside and began the five minute walk to the corner bakery. Just when I was reaching the shop, I got a call.


"Hello?" I asked into the mouth speaker.

"NIALL! GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" I had to hold the phone away from my head so I didn't ruin my eardrums.

"Liam! What in earth is the matter? What is it?"

"It's- it's Ashley!" And then my blood ran cold. I took off at a sprint to the hospital, which was a good five miles away, and made it there in record time. I bolted into the reception area and demanded to see Ash.

"I'm sorry sir, only family are allowed back to see her. I have a list of those members, who might you be?"

"MY NAME IS NIALL HORAN AND I WANT TO SEE MY BABY GIRL! NOW DAMNIT LET ME SEE HER!" The nurse quickly opened the doors for me and I bolted through, almost knocking her over. I saw Liam and Harry along with Ashley's grandma and sister. Her sister looked up and nudged Harry. He turned to me and ran to me, catching me in a hug.

"What happened to her?" Harry looked into my eyes and sighed. "Harold! Tell. Me. Now."

He sighed once more and opened his mouth. "She was walking through the back alley to get to her house, you know from her work, and all of a sudden I guess two guys showed up and jumped her! She's got a broken leg, ankle and foot -all the same one- and a broken arm along with three fingers on her left hand. Her arm is broken all the way up and it looks like someone twisted it backwards and then sat on her. Nialler, she's so broken up. I don't know if you-"

"I have to see her." Harry nodded and let me go. I walked towards her and almost collapse on the floor. Her eye is swollen and her eyebrow has about sixteen stitches in it, her arm and hand are in a cast that goes up to her shoulder and it doesn't look very comfy. Her leg in is the air as best as it can be with the cast going up her thigh to her hip. I choke on my sobs and years stream down my face. Her sister, Gabby, takes my hand and squeezes. I feel and hear my phone ring and I recognize the ringtone as Zayn's. I rush out to the lobby and answer the call.

"Niber?! Where are you?! Are you okay?!"

"Zaynie! A-A-Ashley's been beaten up and I'm at the h-h-h-hospital right now." I sob out, then my voice goes down to a whisper and a whimper, "Zaynie, it's so bad! Her left arm and three fingers on that hand are broken and her right leg is broken up to her hip! Oh baby, it's so bad! So bad..." I trail off and I hear Zayn rustling around in the background.

"Niber, I'm on my way. Just stay there. I'll be there in ten minutes. I love you baby." With that he hung up. I collapsed on the floor in tears, sobs wracking my body. I knows it's been about ten minutes when I feel a pair of warm arms embrace me and I'm suddenly in the air, moving. I faintly hear Zayn talking to the front desk lady and momentarily we're next to Ashley's bed. I cringe into Zayn and I hear his breath hitch. I feel Zayn start to cry and I almost lose it. My poor baby Ashley. Whoever did this is going to pay.


Louis POV:

I walked through school, my head in the clouds. Me and Drake had gone to the fun fair yesterday and it went perfect. He was just perfect. I couldn't go an hour without thinking about him in some way.


I walked into English and saw Niall crying. I rushed over to him and sat down.

"Nialler? What's the matter?!" He looked up and saw that it was me. He smiled weakly and dropped his head in my lap. I proceeded to play with his hair the way I knew that he liked. It relaxed him. Finally a few minutes later he spoke.

"Ashley got jumped on her way home, she's in the hospital. Oh Loubear! She's so broken and bruised. I don't know what to do! Liam and Harry found her in a side alleyway, you know one that she would take to go home. If they hadn't found her, she could've died!" I gasped and my hands stilled. My grip tightened slightly and I tried to relax. Who would do this to a girl?! A girl! I mean a guy it's less horrid, but when it's a girl it's just worse somehow. I resumed my playing with of Niall's hair and everyone started trickling into the classroom. Zayn sat on the other side of Niall and took his hand. I smiled at Zayn and nudged Niall so her could go lean on his boyfriend, but he didn't budge. Zayn rolled his eyes playfully and gave Niall a loving smile.

"Nialler, hey buddy, I want to go talk to 'Lirry' so you've got to get up." Niall looked up at me his eyes got big, "But your legs are so comfy! I wanna sleep on them!"

Zayn and I chuckled at him and I looked at Zayn to see if it was okay that Niall slept on my lap. He nodded and I told Niall to go ahead and sleep. He did, never letting go of Zayn's hand or my shirt. I turned to Liam and Harry and told them to move their table closer. They complied and when the were settled I began talking.

"Guys, we need to find who did this to Ash. She doesn't deserve this at all. Well nobody deserves it, but we need to do something about it." They both nodded and I looked over to Zayn and he nodded while watching Niall. I turned back to Liam and Harry, who were thinking very hard. Finally after ten minutes Liam started to say something but the teacher came in and interrupted him.

"Students, today is a free day because I think you deserve a break. But we will have a quiz tomorrow, so I suggest that you take this free day to study." With that she sat at her desk and the room erupted with talking again. Liam got our attention and started to speak.

"We could make an announcement during the assembly later. I know it's a dumb idea, but we could get people to get her like get well things and when she comes out of her coma, she'll have a ton of flowers and balloons and stuffed animals and things like that. I know it's not helping finding out who did this, but it could be sneaky because of people know she's in the hospital, they might come forward and give us information." We all sat back, stunned. It was a great idea. And the fact that all of us are well liked and Ashley is like the school sweetheart, would help us with it.

"Liam, you are a genius. This could just work out perfectly."


Okay so a tad bit of sadness in this chappie :( sorry guys.

Just wondering if there are any ideas for future chapters? I will try and incorporate them as best I can, but don't be shy! :)

Comment, vote, fan! I love you guys! :D

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now