Chapter Seven :)

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Okay so something different, A/N at the beginning. I just wanted to clear the air: I don't think the boys are like this is real life, and this is a FANfiction, if you don't like boyxboy then don't read it. I don't really like to get comments saying that someone doesn't like my story because it's a boyxboy. It's quite depressing and I'd like to not feel like that here. So thanks for reading/voting if you actually like this story :) You guys are the best! Much love and I hope you enjoy this chappie.

Dedicated to ZiallerxXx because she has been here since the begining :) enjoy love!


Niall POV:

It's been about a week since Liam told me to tell Zayn about my feelings and to be totally honest, I'm probably not going to ever tell him. I just don't want to take the risk of getting in too deep and finding out that it wasn't for real.

Nobody but Ashley and Josh know what they did to me. My parents, the two people who were supposed to protect me from harm. Well they didn't.

~Flashback~ Three years ago

Third-Person POV

Niall came home from school, happy as could be. Today he had made a new friend, Ashley. At first he didn't want to be friends with her, but she persisted and now they were friends.

Niall had also told Ashley about his parents. How they would act when they were drunk or high, how they would do terrible things to him if he came home to happy. So when Niall was almost home he wiped the grin off of his face and tried to look sad or depressed.

The Irish lad open his door to find his parents waiting for him with shit-eating grins on their faces. "H-H-Hi mom and d-d-dad. What are you g-guys doing?" The blonde lad shut the door and in an instant he was dragged into their family room and, let's just say, Niall's innocence was ruined forever.

~Flashback Over~

Niall POV:

I will never forgive them for what they did to me, they ruined my life forever and if Ashley hadn't found me and taken me in, then I doubt I'd be here today.

"Niiiiiiiaaaalllleeerrrr!!" I hear a high pitched voice yell. I turn around and it's my newest girlfriend Belle. She launched herself on my front and hugged me really tight. "Ni! Ready to go to lunch?" I nod my head and she hops down and grabs my hand, dragging me to the cafeteria. When we're almost there I spot Ashley and yank my hand from Belle's grip and rush over to her.

"Whoa there, Nini. What's the matter?" I shake my head and just stand there hugging her, she eventually hugs back and that's when I loose it. "I-I-I can't take this anym-m-more! I remembered what h-happened that day, and I wanna go home! Please just take me home!" I hiccup a few times and I feel Ashley sigh, "Sure thing, Bear. Let's just go talk to Liam and the others, okay?" I nod my head and pull back. Ashley wipes my tears and kisses my forehead. Which was really funny, because she's like five foot two and I had to bend down a ton so she could.

She takes my hand and pulls me gently to my table. "Li?" Liam turns around and when he looks at my face, immediately jumps up and hugs me. After he pulls back he looks over at Ashley and they do some weird communication thing with their eyes and he nods. "Text me if you need anything, okay?" I nod my head and turn around, right into Zayn.

"Whoa Nialler, you okay?" I shake my head 'no' and Zayn pulls me into a hug. I relax into the hug and bury my head into Zaynie's neck. I inhale his scent and start to cry again. "Ssshhh, Nialler, don't cry babe. It'll all be okay. Do you want me to take you home?" I shake my head. "Is Ash taking you home?" I nod my head. "Well okay, if you need anything will you call me?" I nod again. "Good, now go home and get some rest, okay love?" I nod for the last time and pull away, wiping my tears. Zayn looks into my eyes and once he finds what he's searching for, kisses my forehead and squeezes my hands. "Take care of my Nialler, okay Ashley?" We look over at her and she rolls her eyes, "Well duh, I'm not gonna leave him alone."

Zayn nods and me and Ashley walk out of the school. We're almost to the car when I hear a high-pitched voice yelling my name behind us. I turn around and it's Belle, "Where the hell are you going? I thought we were gonna have lunch together?" I sigh and look over at Ashley. She nods and turns to Belle, "Niall isn't feeling to well right now, so I'm taking him home so he can rest."

Belle nods and turns back to go inside. I get into the passenger seat of my car and Ashley gets in the drivers seat. She drives me home and we go inside. "You go lay down and I'll make you some of my chicken noodle soup, sound good?" I nod my head and trot upstairs. Twenty minutes later, there is a piping hot bowl of soup on my lap and Ashley is sitting next to me. "Eat up! I made it with extra chicken today, since I knew you felt, well I knew what you felt like." I smile great fully at her and take a big spoonful of soup. I'm pretty sure I moaned when I tasted it, because if you haven't tried her soup, you are missing out on a big party for your taste buds! Ashley giggled and got up, "I'm gonna go get Finding Nemo, so we can't watch it. Sound good to you?" I nod and she walks out of the room.

For the rest of the day we watched movies and Ashley made me more food, (because let's face it, she cooks better than Harry) and we had a pretty good time just hanging out. If only I had known tomorrow was gonna be a horrible day, I would have done a whole lot of things differently.

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now