Chapter Fourteen :)

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Louis POV:

Everyone thinks that I'm still really broken up about mine and Niall's break up, but I knew it was gonna happen. I knew he would never fall in love with me and I knew that Zayn would comfort him and they would end up together. But don't get me wrong! I loved Niall, I still do, but I know now that him and Zayn were probably meant to be.

Walking down the street to Starbucks, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of cars on the street for this time of day. Whatever, more people to see my nice ass -if you know what I mean- I'm just kidding, nobody actually looks at my ass unless I tell them to.

I walk into Starbucks and my first impulse is to of course walk up to the counter to order, but of course I wasn't paying attention and I ran into someone, someone who had a lot of muscle. We fell to the ground, me on top, and I let out a surprised noise at the impact.

"If that's your sex noise, please let's go get a room, cuz that was hot!" A deep, husky voice said in my ear. I shivered when I felt their breath move across my neck and I heard and felt them chuckle. I looked up and almost chocked on air when I was met with the most captivating set of eyes. One of his eyes was a rich chocolate color and the other was a shining emerald color. He chucked again and I realized that we were still on the floor and I hoped that nobody had noticed us, but of course someone did.

"OMIGOSH DRAKE! ME AND CHARLIE WALK AWAY FOR ONE MINUTE AND YOU'RE OVER HERE SCREWING THIS GUY ON THE FLOOR!" 'Drake' looked up at a pair of girls, and shook his head. "I should have known that you guys would interrupt my love life. What's a gay guy gotta do to catch a break?!" He said it with a light tone and a slight hint of annoyance. He pushed me back and I quickly got up and helped him from his sprawled spot on the floor. He smiled at me and stuck out his hand, "The name is Drake, as you heard Sarah the most annoying best friend ever yell, Drake James." He motioned over to a girl with red curly hair that went down to her waist, she was wearing a purple sequined high waisted skirt with a black crop with gold lettering saying something in I think was French and that was tucked into the skirt, and she had on bright green vans with mismatched socks. "This is Sarah and she is more annoying than you could ever imagi- OWW!"

Sarah had slapped Drake upside the head and had a triumphant look on her face. Drake glared at her and ran the short distance to her and tickle her sides. "Noooo! I'm sorry Drake! No! CHARLIE!!!!!!" Suddenly a girl ran up to us and pulled Drake away from Sarah and hugged Sarah to her. She had on tribal print leggings with an oversized grey crew necked sweatshirt, her boots were brown with the top kind of rolled over and had light brown leopard print that looked fuzzy. And to complete the look her mid-back length wavy blonde hair was held on her head with a Perry the platypus beanie with a Pom-Pom on the top. She was quite pretty and she had great taste in clothes, well both the girls did and even Drake did! He was wearing a Man U hoodie with acid washed sorta skinny jeans and red vans. He looked like sex on legs.

"And this crazy legged blonde bimbo is her girlfriend Charlie. Or her real name is Charlotte, but don't ever call her that, she will shank you." Drake mumbled to me and Charlie, who had heard the first part, rolled her eyes at Drake. Sarah pulled away from Charlie's embrace but kept her arm around Charlie's waist. Now that Sarah wasn't stooped down and fake crying into Charlie's jumper, I noticed that Charlie was actually a few inches shorter than Sarah. I smiled at them. They were really cute together.

"You two are really adorable together, how do you guys cope with, you know, homophobic people? Like at school." Sarah looked at me and giggled. "Erm, Louis? We go to the same school. You probably don't notice us because we're drama nerds." I just stared at them and gaped, I couldn't believe that I had missed this beautiful creature and his two beat friends that were unbelievably cute together. I stood there for a few minutes until I snapped out of it and noticed that Drake was smirking at me.

"What? Can handle the Tommo, Drake? Is my ass to round for you?" I internally smirked at him as I slowly circled my hands around my ass and I bit my lip to hold back a chuckle when I saw his eyes widen and his pupils blow wide with want. "Hey! Tommo! You might want to stop or Drakey here might just cum in his pants!" Drake looked over at Sarah and glared at her, then looked back to me with a light blush on his face. I giggled and patted his shoulder. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, I'll take you on a date and you won't have to worry about these cockblocks ruining our fun." I winked at him and he choked on his spit. He nodded vigorously and I slipped him my number. I turned to 'Charah' and rolled my eyes when I saw them almost snogging. "Oi! I've gotta go, but why don't you hang out with us at school tomorrow. Just find me and I'll introduce you to the gang." The girls agreed and I walked out mouthing 'call me' to Drake.


Okay I'm sososososososososo sorry that I left you guys for so long! I'm such a horrid person! Can you guys ever forgive me?

I hope you all like this chappie, I did Lou's POV because a few people have been asking about him and if he ever finds happiness! So here is Lou and I really would like 4 or 5 comments, maybe? Just critiques and if you have an idea for any future chappies, just let me know and I'll try to incorporate it in!(:

Love to all my penguins! Or koalas! Or pandas! Whatever you want to be!(:

Eenie Meanie ~ A Ziall Fanfic (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now