thirteen || #7

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MADONNA'S, MATERIAL GIRL PLAYS LOUDLY as I sing along from the passenger seat of my Jeep—I made Alice drive since I was too nervous—to Miguel's game.

Calvary stadium was on the other side of our building and we were not about to walk that far away.

Next to me, Alice sighs. "I can't believe you dragged me to a damn football game."

"Cheer up." I smile. "It could be fun." And continue singing.

Hell, I can't believe that I agreed to come. Football games are not my scene, so I wasn't at all surprised when Alice groaned and hated the idea of accompanying me to the game but she's been such a great roomie and friend she ended up caving.

Plus, if I'm being honest, I have a huge feeling she wants to see Johnny, even though she will never admit to that.

My stomach drops as we pull into the parking lot of the stadium—which is packed—because, I don't even know how to act or approach him.

Maybe this was a mistake. Nope! Too bad. Can't back out now. I made it this far.

After we manage to find a damn parking spot we quickly get out of the car and rush inside. I don't wanna get stuck with horrible seating.

I've never been to a football game before. Not even when I was in high school did I attend one game. My mouth parts in surprise at how huge the the stadium is and at the amount of people. It's crazy.

We stop at the concession stand and grab some drinks. Luckily, we are able to find empty seats near the bottom rows, where we have a clear vision of Calvary's sideline.

"Okay, do you remember all the rules and plays to the game?" Alice asks me.

I chuckle. "More or less."

Miguel and I talked and texted football the rest of the week and I also had Alice bring me Football for Dummies from her book store. I didn't want to only rely on him to teach me m, so I did my own research to gain more knowledge of the sport.

Alice was part of her high school news paper, as she was their photographer. So she would attend a lot of these activities. Also, Johnny was her best guy friend and her best friends boyfriend so she attended his games and that's how she learned her football.

The more I read and understood the fundamentals of the game, it started to become less intimidating. So I didn't feel as overwhelmed by the things, I still didn't fully understand.

We sit only for a few minutes when the fireworks start and the cheerleaders are introduced. The crowd cheers and "woos" for them as they run out to the field waving their poms in the air and get in position forming two straight lines.

A countdown starts and then the players run out and through the cheerleaders, hitting the field. The crowd stands and roars with excitement at a deafening level and a thrill of excitement runs through my body.

Miguel's jersey number is #7 and since he's the quarterback, I spot him quickly. The team is centered around him as they huddle all together and he talks, making all kinds of hand motions.

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