twenty three || Guy, I really have to pee

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THE DOORBELL CHIMES indicating that someone else has entered the store. Alice and I drove all the way to the Burlington mall after school to look for a Halloween costume.

In which we only have two days to figure out what we're going to be.

Saturday night the Kappa Kappa is throwing their annual Halloweenfestivities — that according to everyone gets crazy lit.

The night I showed up with Alice to Miguel's house he ended up convincing to go with him as his date. I kept telling him that he didn't need to do all that just to prove how sorry he was for being a dick to me. But he only insisted that it wasn't like that.

Our relationship—whatever that is—made a complete 360 in a weekend. I'm not sure if I did the right thing by putting my feelings out there like that but I wanted to be clear. So far he's been straight with me so I needed to do the same.

When he told me his friend accused him of falling for me, my stomach flipped. But then when he admitted to being crazy about me, my heart just completely skipped a beat.

Now I'm the idiot who's falling for him and I can't even stop myself from doing so. Even if I stopped it now, I would still be completely crushed.

"What do you think?" Alice asks, coming out of the dressing room in a skin tight leather bodysuit.

My jaw drops from how hot she looks. "Dude! You look so hot!"

"You think?" She scrunches her nose and walks towards the body length mirror to look at herself.

   "I do. Your butt looks great." Raising my brows for effect, I add. "Johnny is gonna go crazy when he sees you."

   Alice jerks her head towards me, so fast. "Oh my God dude! Don't say that!" And I laugh.

   In all honesty, I just love to tease her about it. I know they have history, and even though her best friend was in the middle of it, I can't help but feel like theirs attraction between them. It's a feeling.

   "Okay, okay." I tell her. "I was just kidding. It's always funny to see your face." And she sticks her tongue out at me.

   "But since we're already on the subject...when do I get to meet this best friend of yours?"

   We continue searching through the racks of costume. "I'm not sure. I know she was taking a year off school and one of her work friends offered her a trip to Europe so that's where she is right now." She tells me with a shrug and I simply nod.

   "Zoe has always been more of a free spirit kind of girl. Even though we never grew up rich, things have always come so naturally to her. But then when I was adopted...well I got lucky because Ms. Susan was wealthy plus I was great in school so a scholarship was offered."

   "What school will she be attending?"

   "She said she was doing community college."

   "Oh okay. That's cool. Hopefully she visits you soon then."

   "What about you? No best friends?"

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