Chapter 10

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Clarke's POV

I was sitting on the tree limb thinking about what Lexa said about me killing her people and why I cared about what she thought of my feeding habits.

I sighed as I looked back up at the night sky. There was so many stars out and the full moon hanging high in the sky surrounded by clouds. The moon looked blue. As I was thinking I heard muffled footsteps and the hatch of the bunker cave being opened.

I sat on the limb of the tree a couple yards high. Hidden from people below. I saw Lexa get out. I was about to get her and punish her, but I had a better plan. I would chase her as she ran away making her have false hope right before I catch her. I thought with a dark smile.

As I focused back on Lexa, she got on the ground. She started to look around, her heat pounding probably thinking I am around. When Lexa thought I was not around she started to walk away, as I was about to jump down Lexa stopped. It's like she was having a mental battle with her self. She turned around back to the bunker and looked back to where the direction of Polis is. She went back to the bunker and closed it.

I jumped to the ground and just stood there. Lexa could have gotten away or she thought she could, but she went back into the bunker on her own free will. I don't know why but I loved that she did that. Oh what I would do if I could just be able to read her mind.

That's when everything clicked into place she was my mate. Carlisle had talked to me about mates, and that every vampire had one. They were their other half. I smiled that Lexa was mine but it quickly turned to a frown on how I have been treating her. How the hell is she ever going to love a monster? I was going to make her a pet. She must hate me? I thought with sadness.

Lexa's POV
(Just after Clarke left again)

I stood there shocked. Frozen in place as Clarke left. She said she would drink her people too or rather 'ark people' not hers. I thought she was going to punish me, I don't mind to be tickled but when she does it out of punishment it is too much and I don't like it when she is mad at me.

I shuttered as I remembered what her last tickle punishment was. The first one though wasn't so bad, I enjoyed it. I just begged her to stop. As I got out of my thoughts.

I didn't hear the lock click like last time on the door. Maybe she forgot to lock it or she is testing me, she could be on the other side or not. I thought to myself.

Eventually I decided to test my luck. I needed to get out of here and away from Clarke, even though I like her, whoa like. Why would I like her, she keeps me as a pet. I shook the thoughts from my mind. I slowly walked to the door and put my head against it. Trying to listen for anything. When I heard nothing but silence, I reached for the door and twisted the handle. I opened the door, peeking my head out. I saw nothing, so I stepped out of the room into the main living area.

I went over to the stairs and went out of the bunker. Intended to go to my people.

As I was on the ground outside, I stood there only in my undergarments. I was walking towards Polis, but something stopped me. I need to help Clarke. I love her and right now she needs me. But my people I thought as I stared off into the direction of Polis. Eventually my heart won out this time, in a long time. I decided to stay, not only because I am only in my undergarments, but because I love Clarke. I won't abandon her again.

With that I turn around and go back into the bunker. Besides I thought, if she really wanted to hurt me she would have. I know the old Clarke is in there, I just need to bring her back and if I have to be her pet in the meantime I will. To be fair, it hasn't been that bad. I smiled to myself. As I climb down the stairs, I head back to the room Clarke left me in. I get into the bed and fall asleep.

Clarke's POV

I watch Lexa return into the bunker. After a couple of minutes, I get into the bunker and slowly walk into my room. I see Lexa in the bed and hear her heartbeat steady. She is fast asleep. 

I pick up the journal Lexa dropped and put it in the drawer in the desk. I set in the chair at my desk next to the bed staring at her. I stare at Lexa in fascination. She is my mate, I thought, Mine. Should I continue with what I was going to do? Or do I tell her about my story of becoming a vampire?

Throughout the whole night I watched her sleep. Sleep is a strange concept to me since I became a vampire. I barely remember the feeling of sleep and dreams.

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