Chapter 14

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Lexa's POV
( after the ambassadors meeting)

I get back into my room after the long hours of the meeting. We talked about the crops for this winter that will be here in a month and we talked about the sky people. I convinced them not to attack them, though the Azkeda ambassador was hard to convince. But he was the only one.

After I ate my food I went to the window balcony. I stared out into the night sky. My thoughts wondered to Clarke. I had only been with her a few days, but I can't get her out of my head. I miss her, she makes me carefree. I don't have to have a mask with her.

I went to my bed and got under the furs and closed my eyes. Hoping to get Clarke off my mind. Throughout the night I had dreams of a certain blonde goddess with bright ruby red eyes.

Clarke's POV

I tried to get Lexa off my mind, but I felt an aching in my chest and I felt dead inside. I went to feed later in the night, but I kept feeling a pull to Polis. After I killed a man, and hid him. I went to Polis hoping I could just look at her. I love her already even though I am a monster.

The breeze felt great as I ran towards Polis. A half a mile away and I could already smell the sweet taste of blood pumping through the people's heart. There wasn't a lot of people out this late. I grabbed a cloak from a near by stall on the outskirts of Polis. I quickly compelled the woman to forget about me. I walked towards the tower and went towards the side of the building.

( pretend that Clarke can compel people like on TVD also and not just read minds)

My head turned around making sure the was no one to see me. I climbed up the building with my strength and super speed. If someone were to look they would only see a flash of dark. I moved closer one of the windows and went inside.

Quietly, I crawled in and looked around the room. It was a simple apartment. I was on the second highest floor of the building. I go to the door and listen for heartbeats. I hear none and exit the room. In the hallway, I close my eyes and smell for my mates scent. Her scent leads me to the right towards a set of stairs, and I walk up them.

At the top of the stairs I see a hallway with 8 doors and at the end of the hallway is 2 guards on each side of the door. I blur over to them as they see me and compel them to don't speak or move and to forget about me. I enter the door and walk over the the scent of my mate and hear her heartbeat. I stand by the bed and watch her sleep.

She is very beautiful and at ease when she sleeps I thought.

She mumbles something in her sleep and moves on her side. For a minute I thought she was going to wake up. "Clarke" she mumbles, I freeze thinking she is awake. But her eyes are closed and her heartbeat is in rhythm. She is dreaming about me I think with a smile. "Clarke please don't go" she mumbles in her sleep. I smile because she cares that much for me. I run my fingers through her hair and hold her hand lightly. I pull my head down and give her a kiss on the forehead.

I frown when the sun is starting to come out. "Shit" I whisper as my eyes widen in shock. I can't believe I stayed here for hours without noticing the time. Just then Lexa's heartbeat starts to increase, I blur over to the balcony. The sun is rising and is making my skin glow like diamonds. I look down and see tons of people out on the streets. I can't jump down now I think bitterly.

I blur into the closet just as Lexa yawns. I hear her get out of bed. Someone walks in and gives her breakfast and leaves. I listen to her heart as she eats. I then think of a way to get out of here without being noticed by anyone. After a couple minutes, I hear the clanking of metal. Lexa finishes putting on her clothes, armor and leaves.

I open the closet door and walk around her room. I put the cloak on the couch. After hours later the sun starts to go down and there isn't a lot of people on the streets. I jump down of the building after I climb to the back where there isn't anyone around. Just then I remembered that I left the cloak on Lexa's floor. I blur out of Polis and run back to the bunker cave.

Lexa's POV

After my regular duties as heda, I go to my room, and eat. I usually enjoy being commander, but without Clarke I don't feel the same. After I ate, I noticed something. I walk over to my couch and see a black cloak that is not mine. Then I recall the morning and dreams I had last night. I was dreaming of Clarke, of her going away. But then she came back. As I got up this morning, I felt a breeze and a flash. It reminded me of Clarke.

I pick up the cloak. As I bring it closer I smell the scent of Clarke, amber and lilacs. I quickly shake my head "there is no way that Clarke would come here when I slept" I whispered quietly to myself. I walk over to my bed and get ready for summit with skaikru tomorrow in the evening. Then I remembered that Clarke needs to be here. I would sent some people tomorrow, but then I remember Roan. She won't come unless I get her and convince her to come.

I recall the things Clarke said to me about her kind, more specifically about mates. I thought more about it and it all clicked Clarke is my mate. We are mates I think with happiness. As that thought was running in my brain, I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face.

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