Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV
( the next night )

As I ran to Polis again, I kept thinking about Lexa. I know I shouldn't be doing this what if I expose my kind, besides she deserves someone that is not a monster. As I climb up the tower in the back and go through the window. I blur to Lexa's room. And I get past the guards like last time.

I slip into her room and go to her bed. I decide to grab the chair and bring it to the side of her bed. I watch her sleep and listen to the sound of her heartbeat. Lexa turns to her side, facing away from me. I decide to run my hand over her shoulder and forearm. I sigh, wishing she knew I was here and that we were together.

Lexa's POV

As I was sleeping I started to wake up in the night. I stayed still feeling content and relaxed. I then hear a sigh and come back to reality. I feel a cold hand on my arm going back and forth. "Oh Lexa-" the person stops then I realize it's Clarke. She must her my heartbeat, I need to control it.

After a minute, Clarke's hand goes back to work. It feels so good. "I miss you Lexa, I try to get you out of my head, but it's no use. I thought I knew what loneliness was when I turned into this, but I got to know you and when you left it feels like there is a void in my chest" Clarke says with sadness in her voice " I care about you, but I am scared to show it" she says after a couple minutes of silence.

I feel her hand leave my arm. I eventually feel her gaze leave me and felt a light breeze. After a minute, I open my eyes and sit up. Looking around the room for my vampire. Whoa since when was she my vampire. I eventually fall back to sleep, thinking that I will see Clarke soon, when I go to find her tomorrow.


As I get ready to go find Clarke. Indra tells me I need a guard or two since the last time I got taken. I tell her no and I will go alone to find Wanheda. Indra nods. She helped raise me and knows how much Clarke means to me also because I confined in her sometimes.

( in the woods)

I walk in the woods with my sword. Towards where the guards who found me were. As I get closer, I hear a twig snap. I look up and see 6 people, azkeda people. They attack me. Eventually after about 20 minutes, they get the upper hand and knock my sword from my hands. The man who knocked my sword from me, gets closer as does his other men. The man knocks me down to the ground. "Hello commander, I was supposed to take you prisoner, but I will enjoy killing you instead" he says as he raises the mass.

I close my eyes waiting for my death. I think about Clarke. As I am about to die, I hear a whoosh sound and open my eyes. There is only 5 men now. The others are scared. The man grabs me roughly and pulls me up. He puts a dagger to my throat from behind. "Check it out, look around and be alert you idiots" the man says. The 4 men look around for their missing guy. 2 men walk over towards the left.

After one minute the two men were under the tree the next, they vanished in a blink of an eye. I heard 2 screams right before I hear their necks snap. Their bodies fall to the ground "you idiots, you two get over there, up the tree" the man yelled. But I heard the fear in his voice. The remaining two men didn't even make it before I saw a flash and the two men fell to the floor with the heads off their necks.

As I looked at the figure I saw Clarke. But she was different. I recall her telling me about her beast side of her, her inner beast. Her eyes were pure black, her fangs out and bloody. She looked terrifying, something told me she wouldn't harm me ever. Then I recalled also that mates can't hurt one another.

She stepped forward. The man back up a step "don't you come any closer or I will slit her throat" the man said but I could tell he was afraid. I heard Clarke growl so loud and deep, that my ears almost hurt from the mere power of it. The man pressed the dagger harder on my neck and I felt a warm trickle of black blood go down my throat.

But as soon as the pressure was on there. It was off and I felt a gust of wind. I turned around and looked at a tree. Clarke held the man in one hand against the tree. For a moment I watched. The man was struggling to get free. Clarke brought her head closer to his neck as he struggled more and tried to scream. I watched as Clarke drained the man dry of blood. Clarke let him slide to the ground and hit it with a thunk.

She turned around and looked at me. I knew from the look of her eyes she wasn't in complete control. Her beast has taken over right now. She slowly walks over to me, but for some reason I backed away from her. She whimpered and looked at me with sad eyes. Then I realize my mistake, "wait Clarke" but it's already too late. I feel a gust of wind and she is gone. I can't believe I just did that. I run aimlessly through the woods hoping I would find her.

Hey everyone I probably won't post another chapter for awhile my senior year of school is coming and I will be pretty busy. But keep voting on my chapters if like it. Thanks to all the people whom has stayed with me. It means a lot that you like my story.

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