Chapter 8

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Warning: Very dark theme ahead. This is purely fiction work. I do not condone in real life. Just purely for fiction purposes only. Dark theme ahead

Clarke's POV

I took the chain off Lexa and blurred to my bed. I tied her up spread eagle on the bed, with only her bindings covering her breast and nether region. I waited for her to wake to begin the punishment.

(1 hour time skip)

I begin to hear Lexa's heartbeat speed up and I get up from the chair in the bedroom. Lexa's eyes flutter open and soon realizes she is tied up. Lexa struggles with the ropes and stops when she realizes that she can't get out.

I walk up in front of the bed "are you ready for your punishment" I said coldly to her. I see fear in her eyes and enjoy it. I feel regret and sadness but push it aside quickly. I walk over to the side of the bed as Lexa starts struggling again. I just stand there as I watch her settle down and stop struggling as she looks at me. "Clarke untie me" she says, but I can see she is afraid and that her voice was shaking a little.
I leaned closer to her face " I warned you, time for punishment" I said to her.

I didn't say anything else to her. Bored that her punishment hasn't started. So I lean back to my full height. " I wonder where to begin" as I look up and down her glorious body. I put my finger on her stomach and slide it down her body as I walk down towards the end of the bed. I watch in fascination as her body shakes and quivers in ticklishness. As I reach her feet and stood at the front of the bed again I see Lexa trying to keep her composure. I smile and walk back up on the other side of the bed as my finger travels up her body teasingly again. I watch her face I see she is trying not to smile. "I know how about here" I say as I stop by her stomach. "Stop no, don't tickle me again Clarke" she pleads.

I don't care she is getting punished and I wish to hear her laughter. I don't know why I am attracted to her laugh. I start to tickle her stomach slowly as I tickle her I see her body twitch and try to suck her stomach in. I chuckle " don't suck your stomach in and just enjoy it. I am going to tickle you for a little bit, you will learn your place" I say as I speed up the tickles. She starts to giggle and her body wiggles side to side. It's really cute. " aww what's wrong commander can't handle a little tickling, if only your people saw you now reduced to nothing more but my pet" I said gleefully as I watch her laugh more now.

I spider both of my hands on her stomach going up and down. I suddenly go at vampire speeds curious of what it would do. I was rewarded with her laughing hysterically while her head goes side to side as her body thrashes trying to get rid of my hands.

I stop, waiting for her to catch her breath before starting again. I watched her, her hair wild and her body sweaty. " please stop Clarke I'm sorry I won't disobey you" Lexa said to me. I didn't care I just want her to learn her lesson fully. I'm not going to stop until i am finished with her.

She started to struggle again in the ropes, yelling at me that her people will find her or she would escape.

I was mad and amused that she thought she could get away from me. I just stood there and laughed at her. "Your people would never find you and if they did I would kill them if they take what's mine" I said "you are mine, you will never escape me" I continued saying with anger and possessiveness in my voice with a growl. I can't believe my beast came out when she said she would escape. My beast was sad and mad at that. After saying that I told her it is time to get back to punishment.

I started tickling her ribs at vampire speeds not letting her adjust. I relished in her screams of laughter and I got up on the bed on top of her. Sitting on her thighs as I kept tickling her. I watched her face as I tickled up and down her ribs.

I stopped after a few minutes, letting her breathe. After she calmed her breathing. I put my finger under her ear and glide it over to her other side of her face. She squeals from the sensation. I get up off of Lexa

I ripped the ropes off her, careful to not hurt Lexa in the process. I noticed as I leaned in again she flinched. I'm guessing she thought I was going to hurt her I thought with a smirk. She looked relieved when I took the ropes off, but she looked at me expectingly. "Can I have my pants and shirt back now please" she said "no you are still being punished" I stated coldly.

I watched Lexa sit up in the bed " I will talk with you in the morning until then get some rest" I went out of the room. As soon as the door closed I locked it, making sure she didn't get out as I went to hunt.

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