Chapter 20

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(After the Summit)
(Clarke's POV)

I sit on the couch and read a book I found on Lexa's bookshelf as the sun starts to set. I hear footsteps and two heartbeats coming this way. By the sound of one heartbeat I know it is Lexa and the other one is a little familiar, but I don't know who it is. I start to go for the closet to hide, but then I remember that Lexa wanted me to meet someone. I was a little jealous when Lexa had said that the person was special, but I quickly calmed down knowing Lexa was mine and that she loves me.

I smile as I walk back to the couch and sit, waiting for the door to open. I see Lexa walk in with a red head that has frizzy hair. It takes me a minute, but then I recognize her as the woman I saved last night. Lexa and the red head stand next to me "Clarke this is my sister Luna, Luna this is my-" she Lexa pauses and looks at me because she didn't want to say mate.

I quickly think of a lie but Luna surprises both of us when she speaks. "Mate I presume, since she is a vampire, by the way thank you for saving me last night Clarke" Luna says as she looks at me and smiles. I gasp in shocked and Lexa's eyes are wide as saucers. I clear my throat "Luna how do you know of my kind?" I question with suspicion "because a friend of mine with my boat people has a mate, she eventually became a vampire when he turned her" she explains with no fear of me or my kind.

We spend the next hour with Luna and then she said she had to go to rest.

Lexa closes the door with a content smile on her face and comes over to me. Lexa wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the lips. I close my eyes as I growl in satisfaction. I pick her up and wrap her legs around my waist as Lexa squeaks in surprise. I start attacking her neck and leaving bruises.

I throw her on the bed and blur on top of her, but before I continue I look into her forest green eyes " are you sure my love?" I ask Lexa and she nods. We start making out again. Knowing to night is going to be the best night in my existence.

(Unknown POV)

I can't believe the sky people is becoming the 13th clan. It is an outrage. The commander is weak for letting them into our alliance and she is weak because of her love for one of them, at least the blonde girl is dead, but I have a plan to make our people go to war with the sky people as I think it over with an evil smirk.

(Lexa's POV)

I wake up from the sun hitting my face. I look over, but from as I see a note on Clarke's side of the bed.

Be back before you wake up, went to feed. -C

I sigh because she is not here. I stretch as I feel my sore muscles pops into place. I grin as I remember how I got them last night. The covers fall as the cold air hits my naked body, I shiver. I get dressed and head out into my living quarters.

As I do, I hear muffled struggling from the other side of the door. I open the door and I what I see is what I expected the least as my blood runs cold, but I put on my Heda mask since my emotions won't help me in this situation. In two chairs side by side, my sister Luna and Raven is tied up and the ice nation ambassador is holding a gun by his side.

I nod my head "what is this ambassador?" I say to him "you didn't want to listen to ice nation, the sky people are bad, but you let them into the clans anyway" he says with a murderous look in his eyes. He raises the gun to my body" sky people weapon, sky people kill" he smirks as he pulls the trigger. Pop. I fill the pain as the bullet enters my body and I collapse to the ground my last thoughts of my blonde vampire that I wanted to spend eternity with. I start to black out as a loud and powerful growl fills the room and I see a blonde blur. Clarke I think with a small smile. Then everything goes black.

Whoa cliffhanger. Hey everyone I hope you like it. I will probably be finished in like 2 more chapters. Vote and tell me in the comments what you thought of this chapter.

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