Chapter 5

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This is the living room space for the underground bunker cave. The stairs go to the top where the hatch is. The left beyond the picture is where Clarke's room is.

Lexa stands up and follows me. I lead her to my underground bunker cave. I pick her up and run to it. She is amazed by my speed. As I was running I noticed for the first time I can't read her.

(5 minutes later)

I put her down near the underground entrance. I grab her arm and pull her into the bunker cave. She barely puts up a fight, maybe she finally accepts her new role. I close the hatch and lock it. We stop and I let her look around.

I need to get some chains to put on her until I know she won't try to escape and I need to hunt. "Lexa stay here and don't move" I say to her. I blur to the bedroom and look through the closet. I find the chains and padlock. I walk to Lexa. Her eyes widen when she sees them "your not serious Clarke, you can't lock me up" she says "you have no say, besides I need to hunt and I don't trust you to stay here and not run away".

I walk to her and drag her to the hook on the floor. I chain her ankle to the chain and chain it to the hook. She sits down on the floor. She looks at me "what are you going to hunt?" I didn't expect this question from her, I thought she was going to ask when she was going to be released "I hunt people" I say and leave.

Lexa's POV

I watch Clarke leave. I set on the hard, cold floor and think about what has happened in the last hour. Clarke is a vampire, I am to be her pet, and maybe I can get out of these somehow. I can't believe she is hunting people, then again she is vampire. My people will find me and I will soon get out, I am heda not a pet.

(2 hours later)

Clarke comes back. Her eyes aren't as black anymore, they are bright red. She pulls up a chair and sits in front of me. In all my years of commander I never know such powerlessness before.

She looks me in the eyes and I know that she is more powerful than me "so why did you want to find me for?" Clarke says. "Clarke I needed to make things right and apologize to you" I say. Her gaze turns murderous and it sends fearful chills down my spine. I think she might kill me now and I wouldn't blame her if she did, but she gets up and leaves the room and goes into another room. She never comes for the rest of the night. I lay down on the floor and try to sleep.

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