Chapter 9

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Lexa's POV

I watched Clarke shut the door and lock it. After a few moments I got out of the bed. I can't believe Clarke did that to me. Truthfully it was like a punishment, but a fun one. I hope Clarke doesn't discover that I actually don't mind being tickled though she could have gone a little easier. I hope I can escape soon.

I begin to look around the room. The red and black bed I was on was on the wall in the middle of it. 2 doors one on the opposite wall of the bed, the one Clarke just left from and one on the left next to a dresser. On the right wall there is a bookshelf that takes up half of that wall. On the other half is a cd stand and in the corner is a tiny table with a CD player. Next to the bed on the left side is a night stand and on the right side on the corner is a medium sized wooden desk with a chair near it.  There is a piano in the room.

I make my way over to the books and skim through the titles. After that I look at the cds they look like piano and blues cds. Next I get to the CD player and see that a disk is already in there. I press play. The piano music is good. As I listened to it, something catches my eye a book open on the desk. I walk to it and see that it is a journal. Clarke must write. As I start to pick it up. I hear the door open. I drop the journal on the ground. I turn around to see Clarke with bright red eyes and blood around her mouth.

Clarke's POV
(Around where Clarke leaves Lexa in her room)

I blurred out of the bunker and into the woods. I run near a village looking for my next meal. I hear voices and heartbeats in the woods. As I get closer I see 2 men following a female. The 2 men, one curly brown hair and one bald, are about to rape and kill this woman. I know because I am reading their thoughts, they're disgusting.

I super speed and grab them by the necks as the woman leaves. The men look at me with fear in their eyes but try to mask it. When the woman is at a safe distance, so she can't hear their screams. I let them down. " what the hell bitch, you're going to pay for that" the curly brown haired said.

I smile as they start to advance, clearly their anger has so far blinded them from their instincts telling them I am their predator and they are prey. I want to play with them. I hate rapist.

I grab the bald one and hold him by the throat. I lift him of the ground as I lift my arm up. I watch the fear in his eyes as I decide to drink him. I throw him to the ground and drink his blood. After I finish, I turn to curly brown hair as he stares at me in fear and horror. He shakes with fear " what are you?" He asked. I smile showing my bloody fangs at him.

I slowly start to advance. His instincts must have decided that he needs to run because he turned around and started running deeper into the woods. Foolish I thought but so much fun, we vampires love the chase. I quickly run in front of him and he stumbled back and fell on his ass "I am a vampire and you are my food" I said.

I blurred over grabbed him by the neck and pushed him roughly onto the tree. I loved watching him struggle. He pleaded for me to let him go, but I won't. I sink my teeth into his neck drinking his sweet blood. He struggled and screamed, but the struggle stopped and his screams turned into moans of pain into not making a sound. I pulled back seeing the light in his eyes go out. I saw my reflection in his eyes, the image of a monster. I let his body sink to the ground.

I decided I was full and ran back to my home. As I enter the bunker and walk over to my room I hear my CD player playing Beethoven and heard foot steps shuffling around. I open the door as I see Lexa drop my journal.

That journal has all I have experienced as a vampire even though I have excellent memory. It gives me something to do, to pass the time.

I walk more into the room " Lexa what are you doing?" I asked her. Her eyes went to the floor as she shook " I'm sorry I didn't know it was a journal I didn't I swear" she said fast with fear in her voice. " don't worry about it Lexa" I said gently. She looked back at me, but her eyes stayed glued to my lips and around it. I forgot to clean up. " did you kill someone?" Lexa said " yes, I did I needed to feed".

I saw Lexa ball her hands as she shook " was it my people?" she asks with anger in her eyes and voice. I smile with malice and walk over to her as she backs into the wall with fear. I put my hands on either side of her face. I look into her eyes " you no nothing of my feeding habits, I would kill the ark people too, not just yours" I stated with anger in my voice. Why did I care about her knowing about how I fed.

I sigh as I saw her shaking like a leaf "please I'm sorry, don't punish me again, please don't be angry " Lexa said with fear evident in her voice. I pulled back, I told her to get some rest and I left the room after I closed the door. I went outside and sat on a tree limb.

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