Think Outside of Caixa

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Story Name: 

Think Outside of Caixa


Teen fiction

How did you come up with the title: 

I wanted "Think outside of the box" + "Think outside of society" so wrote box on google translate and named the society "box" but in a different language in order to mix both ideas.

What inspired you for your story: 

I read a lot of stories based on totalitarianism and utopias so decided to try and write one too.

How do you name your characters: 

I think of what they will look like and then see what name fits their look and character best.

How do you name your chapters: 

Depending on what happens in the chapter I just look for a name that'll suit it.

How long is each chapter: 

About 3 - 4 A4 pages.

What does ''show not tell'' mean: 

To describe the feelings, emotions, and situations in a way that the reader can visualize the situation and guess what the character is feeling or how they will act...etc. instead of telling the reader exactly what he/she should think and feel. They basically have to read between the lines a bit more instead of things being stated clearly.

How do you draft and plan your story: 

I usually just get the idea and then start writing and see where it takes me

How long does it take to write one story: 

Depends on the length and whether I have school or not; a short story can be finished from a day till a week. And a novella or novel takes me about 2 months if I don't have studying or anything.

What is the best way to promote your story: 

I'm trying to figure that out myself, but I think it's to use social media to your advantage.

Experience in writing: 

Not much, I've been writing since I was 9 ( I'm 14 ) and so I'm not professional or anything - I have won many awards though.

Final Comments and Tips for others: 

Don't give up on a story, always stick around and see how it will end up.

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