Keeper of Strix

16 2 0

Story Name:

Keeper of Strix



How did you come up with the title:

It's an alternate name for the main character!

What inspired you for your story:

It was an rp group on deviant ART that gave me the idea, as I orginally had a lot more elements than there were actually needed, so I cut them all, and kept the element I made up

How do you name your characters:

Either I use name generator websites or I just make random noises and string 'em together. eg: Nisqal.

How do you name your chapters:

By number

How long is each chapter:

It varies as to what is happening then and how 'into' that part I am.

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

Letting the audience come to the conclusion, rather than pulling them to the one you want to come to.

How do you draft and plan your story:

I start with an idea then it's roughed out into a small paragraph. I then write another plan in more detail. I let it sit (like what would some people do after finishing a draft) for a little while, then I write down ideas that I've had for the story and then see if I can incorporate them into the story, or take other elements away. I then put these into a chapter by chapter summary for the whole story. This is what is used for the story. If anything comes to mind I'd probably wait until the next draft.

How long does it take to write one story:

No idea, never finished one since I was 13.

What is the best way to promote your story:

Dunno, never had a story to promote! :)

Experience in writing:

Not much, I never liked English lessons, and I'm not good at it, so I'd write the bare minimum that I could.

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Just do it, and don't stress about it, if it's becoming a chore, then take a little break. You're doing it for fun, right?

What do you write? [Undiscovered Stories Collection]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora