The Baxter Boys

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Story Name: 

The Baxter Boys


Teen fiction/humour

How did you come up with the title:

I was writing about boy who goes to a school called the Baxter Academy for Boys then I just took it from there.

What inspired you for your story:

Nothing really did. I was looking for good books to read and then I realised, hang on a sec, there are so many books about bad boys and good girls and we always see things from the girl's perspective. So I thought what would a boy's perspective look like? Then I decided to twist the cliche into something a bit more original.

How do you name your characters:

I just think of names that I have seen or heard before. I make a list of them and pick the ones I like.

How do you name your chapters:

My titles are basically a three or more word summary on the whole chapter.

How long is each chapter:

In words, around 3000. Pages, 3 to 5.

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

It just means don't tell the readers what your characters are feeling but you have to show it through their actions. For example, this is what you don't do. "Jack was hungry" This is what you do- "Jack stared at the food longingly and licked his lips. Almost instantly, a rumbling sound filled the room." Through the character's actions, the reader understands the character is hungry.

How do you draft and plan your story:

I used to plan my stories but that didn't work so well for me so now I just wing it. I like to discover things just as I'm writing it. But don't worry, I do have a vague plan so that my writing doesn't totally mess up.

How long does it take to write one story:

I haven't even completed any yet! But I am working on The Baxter Boys. Hopefully, I'll finish it soon.

What is the best way to promote your story:

Through social media, ask friends and family and the Share Your Story Thread. There are plenty of sources you can find to promote your story!

Experience in writing:

A year or so. I write whenever I can!

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Write because you love writing, don't write for fame! Don't measure how good your story is by votes and reads but by how you feel about each chapter. Also, if you ever have a mean comment on your story (hopefully not) remember this- Lions don't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.

Good luck on your journey as a writer.

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