Bits & Pieces

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Story Name: 

bits & pieces



How did you come up with the title:

I actually came up with the title before the actual piece. I was sitting with my friend at camp, and I asked her how much she had remembered of that same camp last year, and she said "Bits and pieces." I don't know, I was looking for a cool title. And that just struck me. So I used it, and a plot just came later.

What inspired you for your story: 

My title, actually. I had seen a bunch of cutesy romance stories on Wattpad, so I, being a teenage girl, wanted to write one. And I did... but it isn't so cutesy anymore.

How do you name your characters: 

Just names I've heard and liked, pretty much. Sometimes friends. I work with the special needs kids, and sometimes I like to name my characters off of them :)

How do you name your chapters: 

one...two...three... I don't really like chapter names. aha.

How long is each chapter: 

usually about 800-1500 words

What does ''show not tell'' mean: 

show not tell really means to demonstrate to your reader what is happening, in words. Make them feel what is going on in the scene, make them imagine it in their brain. Make the space they are reading inbecome the story's world.

How do you draft and plan your story: 

I plan my story in my head, often in the shower..., and write down the plot ideas in my notebook. I give them to my close friends, and when I'm really feeling it, I write.

How long does it take to write one story: 

well, probably a full year for one full Wattpad story. But for my shorter/easier stories, a month or two.

What is the best way to promote your story: 

tags & making friends in threads

Experience in writing: 

I've been writing for about 4 years. I've taken 2 creative writing courses in school, and been to creative writing camp twice. I'd say I'm fairly experienced.

Final Comments and Tips for others: 

Observe everything around you. Today I saw the big periodic table in science and started thinking about a story about it... if you really examine everything and see what possible ideas lurk'll find something grand.

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