Clockwork Dream

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Story Name:

Clockwork Dream


Steampunk! ( Sci-Fi)

How did you come up with the title:

Clockwork refers to multiple things, the most obvious being the fact that the protagonist starts off living in a clocktower and is helping to steal a clockwork machine. The Dream part comes from a more metaphorical scene where he's wondering that if something made of clockwork could think, could it also dream?

What inspired you for your story:

Scott Westerfields Leviathan Trilogy

How do you name your characters:

It varies greatly from character to character, but I try to stick to names appropriate for the time and place.

How do you name your chapters:

I take a few words that deal with an important concept in that chapter, without giving away the plot.

How long is each chapter:

It varies but generally between 2,000-3,000 words

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

It means don't just flat our say what's happening, give the reader a way to envision it in their mind, add details from all the senses. A peice of writing shouldn't just be functional, it should be something you can completely absorb yourself in.

How do you draft and plan your story:

I take the key points and lay them out chronologically, then add basic connecting details. My outlines are pretty fluid to change.

How long does it take to write one story:

The last book I wrote took just under a year.

What is the best way to promote your story:

To Make friends, talk to people, read and comment on others books.

Experience in writing:

I've been writing since I was 6 but I've been writting seriously for the past 4 years.

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Writing is something that should always be done for the enjoyment, just for the sake of writing. Of course, at times you have to push yourself to get things done.

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